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File: 1683884705628.mp4 (12.77 MB, 476x360, 3ehmlmrbwdza1.mp4)


Really makes you think.


Hello boner


>japanese humor





can someone explain this shit? context?


She is being eaten by a giant snake.


just give us the sauce man


Vorefags CAN'T keep getting away with it


Why she would think that having a broom with a painted face stuck in her ass should be useful to stop the giant snake?


Well you see, the first time she attempted a FOOT CHOP, the reason it didn't work was because the snake knew it wasn't a HAND CHOP, so she stuck a balloon in her butt to make the snake think her FOOT CHOP was actually a HAND CHOP. Now if you're not hopelessly retarded none of what I said will make any sense, so the easier explanation would be:
(give the sauce op)


Why'd she try to go back to sleep? That seemed like a pretty harrowing situation and that snake is probably still hungry. Hope she at least popped a couple more laxatives before she laid down.


op you either give the sauce or im gonna murder you

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