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File: 1684415359717.png (2.34 MB, 1080x1440, 1684324623179939.png)


The JSDF is trying to bait furry hikkis into enlisting with a femboy kemono mascot.


vgh, such fluffy thighs…


File: 1684415416211.jpg (20.23 KB, 474x317, fellowkids.jpg)

It's all so tiresome.


Why is she not wearing pantsu? >/////<


So weebs get horny



Hehehe oh boy this is going to be good.

Oh man you really going to crush their dreams like that so instantly.


File: 1684465554997.jpg (59.84 KB, 659x476, 1684332521240424.jpg)

feelin envious of countries where cultural war bullshit is much less prevalent


>nya nya police force


cute :3


Of course….


File: 1684601073741.png (247.59 KB, 800x450, ClipboardImage.png)

noooo but he's so cute


If you really loved him you'd pull the trigger




more like little boy


If he was only a military otaku larper it'd be cute.


You have to do it to save him from himself. You know you got to pull the Trigger. You can't let him suffer anymore than he already is, let the tears flow knowing that you put an end to the tyranny to come.

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