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I’m not fucking crying, you’re crying. ;-;


It's a very nice anime it made me cry too.


After watching all the Makoto Shinkai movies they all feel the same to me. Last one might've been generated by AI.


No joke, best love story ever written.


To be fair, I haven't seen his pre Your Name works (tourist I know) but I truly think he did peak with Your Name. And you can tell he is trying to catch the magic or that the studios are trying to force him into this box of the same type of film over and over again. I really liked Weathering With You and I feel like I might enjoy Suzume. But I feel like because of the sameness, it won't ever really surpass Your Name. It'll be good, but it won't ever be great. Also fuck the Oscars for not even considering this film for nomination


So his other movies don't hit as hard after the first exposure? Any other anime or movies that maek u cry?


Liz and the Blue Bird


City Boy and country girl suddenly start switching bodies every other day. The rest is spoilers.


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City Boy and country girl suddenly start switching bodies every other day. Anime shenanigans ensue. They begin to fall for each other. City boy tries to meet up with her but surprise, the town has been gone for years. Was struck by a meteor. He then does anime shenanigans to be able to switch their bodies again. He does it, a day before the meteor hits. Warns the town, and meets the girl. Before they retell each others names, they revert back to their pasts. Years go by and they forgot each other. Until the last scene of the film where, you guessed it, they met


A silent voice
Very good movie


How do you forget someone after switching bodies with them?


The memories of the switch slip away like dreams. :( why don’t you just watch the movie?



Not only memories, but also the diary entries in their phones where they would leave messages for each other while switched.


This is why you should never put magic notes on your phone. Carve that stuff onto rock slates, make those spirits bleed before letting them erase your work.


According to Buddhists the ego is merely the result of aquiring certain impermenant traits during your lifetime. And if the ego is just a by-product of society you shouldn't even preserve your personhood.

So technically the realistic body switch would change absolutely nothing, the entire concept of body switching is just bogus and doesn't make any sense anyway. Unless you make some kind of excuse like your soul being tied to your brain's neurons or whatever the fuck.


>>20083 (cont.)
Or maybe science is fake and the Earth is flat or some BS like that.


>>20084 (cont.)
Also, stop saying that the ego is a spook, Stirner bros know that already anyway, that's not the point.


No, its more like this movie does the formula so good, that when he rehashes ideas, its not as well executed and after a while, especially after Suzume, people realized this was his schtick. And I had high hopes, given that in Suzume, the guy turns into a chair, so I was hoping it would be different but from what i heard, premise is the same. Meet boy, meet girl, both meet each other, Either one or both have powers. Hijinks ensue. Emotional beats. Song from trailer plays. I will say, I can't prove it, but I feel like even of you've seen his other films, Your Name would still feel to you better executed film than any other. Yes, again shares same premise, but its all done better than the rest. Again, who knows, I saw Your Name first, so I might be biased.


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Frankly I was pretty bored by this film. I think the main plot is interesting in concept, but it would be better as a real live action film in my opinion, the animation aspect (in the style that it is in) brings very little to the table in terms of providing something that a live action doesn't have, which is the thing that makes me interested in anime and cartoons - the ability to depict something (such as action and magic for a blatant example) that can't be easily replicated IRL, or at all.


> The film was being written by Eric Heisserer, who revealed that the Japanese right holders want it to be made from the western point of view.
> The film will be about a young Native American woman living in a rural area and a young man from Chicago who discover they are magically and intermittently swapping bodies.


This is going to suck


Animation is more expressive than live action.


>Live action
>It's libshit idpol raceswap
If this was made 20 years ago I wouldn't be so resigned in knowing it's gonna be shit

True to an extent, but in this case there's nothing that the animation can express that isn't expressable in live action, not unless you use a more stylized art-style.


>>It's libshit idpol raceswap
lol found the ex-gamergater leftoid


I think animation as a medium is fine. I agree that if you make a story with animation, you should go above and beyond the limit of human capacity. However, I also think mundane stories can be told in animation. Not everything realistic needs to be live action
I would say making Mitsuha a Native American would be the best route. The whole thing about her is that she and her family are dealing with ancient tradition, and their role in it. In terms of her own ambition and how the rest of the now modernizing town see them. If you have a regular country girl, where is the conflict, or the added mysticism. The only other way I can think of is making her a Mormon, which might or might not work better. The only problem is, do they really give women any roles similar to that of a Shrine maiden.


this shit is straight as hell so sorry i am not interested in watching this (i lied, there's no sorriness nor shame in my decision not to watch this anime plus it is just a movie)


I was never a gamer and never cared about whatever the hell gamergate was. Libshit and idpol has always been disliked on leftypol, go back radlib.

>mundane stories can be told in animation.
True, but frankly that bores me
>Not everything realistic needs to be live action
It's not necessary, but animation works better, as you said, when it goes above realistic capacity. That's why Grave of the Fireflies is good, it is realistic, but it utilizes animation to carry across aspects that come off as more vibrant than a live action film.


>go back radlib



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Suzume? I thought it was pretty different from Your Name.

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