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I'm watching the Karl Marx anime and I'm interested by the portrayal of the Capitalist not necessarily as a piggish or greedy miser but as almost a sort of Carnival barker, a showman.

I think that is interesting and actually a much better depiction of the Capitalist as opposed to Porky. Like a P.T. Barnum type figure that secretly knows the truth that Capitalism is exploitative and ultimately a scam, and must sell an ideology in order to keep the scam going.

Scams like "multi-level marketing" are known to most people by now, but that's only because they hide the truth, that Capitalism is fundamentally a scam. Both of them, of course, have the same advertising pitch: "you TOO can become wealthy! If you just play the game you too can join the ruling class!" Of course Hollywood put out a movie celebrating P.T. Barnum recently. Go figure.


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>I'm watching the Karl Marx anime


> Capitalism is fundamentally a scam.


>I think that is interesting and actually a much better depiction of the Capitalist as opposed to Porky. Like a P.T. Barnum type figure that secretly knows the truth that Capitalism is exploitative and ultimately a scam, and must sell an ideology in order to keep the scam going.
Yeah. Porky is an illusionist. I also see Chinese propaganda depict Uncle Sam that way, as well as being rail thin instead of fat like Porky. But I actually think this is because being rotund isn't really a negative in their culture. Traditional Chinese masculine images tend to be more of a "wrestler" body with a big stomach, while traditional Western masculinity goes for the chiseled Greek bod or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Mao was also a pretty round guy, depictions of him in propaganda after the founding of the PRC had him a fairly plump guy, although he was tall and thin in the 1930s.


Also two different porkies. The Penguin is the stereotypical "Porky" but Max Shreck is the one with the real power.

Plus some propaganda from dissident Russian communists depicting fake populisms as a mask.


>But I actually think this is because being rotund isn't really a negative in their culture.
it never made sense to make porky fat.
1: the bourgeoisie can better take care of their health than the proletariat because they have more leisure time to exercise and diet plan. The proletariat (especially in the imperial core) has to scarf down calorie-dense but nutrient-deficient meals quickly at very specific times of day, with no time to calculate how it will affect them nutritionally.

2: As Marx points out in Volume 1 of Capital, the Capitalist is not a hoarder or a miser, but a man who constantly throws his capital back into circulation to earn more surplus value. If porky simply enjoyed all his surplus value immediately, he wouldn't be able to keep the cycle of accumulation going. Porky is not an enjoyer of mindless consumption. Rather, he is a man who throws what he would otherwise consume back into circulation.
3: Porky comes from USSR just after WW1, when starvation was a very real problem. It was politically expedient to depict Capitalists as fat in that environment.


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I was thinking of Howard Schultz and Bernard Arnault. Other porkies like Bezos and Zuckerberg hire personal trainers so they get the Greek bod.


>karl marx anime
is this real? can we watch for free somewhere?


Yeah it's all on YouTube. Just look up The Leader 2019


wow this board is just like full on retard mode now huh


What is the point of this reply


Interesting video lol.


>I'm watching the Karl Marx anime


the talking animals were a nice touch. im convinced down with americracy!1!!!2!!


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>Porky comes from USSR just after WW1, when starvation was a very real problem. It was politically expedient to depict Capitalists as fat in that environment.
The Porky meme specifically comes from the early USSR, but the fat capitalist caricature comes from decades before. He's been a fatass with a top hat pretty much from the dawn of a (semi) mass English-language socialist press in the 1890s, and probably even before that in the Germany.

>I'm watching the Karl Marx anime
It's still worth watching, but it has some major, major flaws. The most inexplicable thing that I noticed is that Wilhelm Liebknecht features heavily in the episodes set in the 1870s - except that Liebknecht had been living in Germany for almost a decade at that point, and I don't think ever returned until Karl Marx's funeral in 1883. Also he looks fucking nothing like Liebknecht - maybe more like Bernstein, but he would also have been ahistorical in the time periods depicted.

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