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Why do aot fags think eren caused the rumbling. Mf died before he could do jack shit anything, for Ymir and for the plot of the show in general.


I can’t believe it ended at chapter 119, people were saying that Aot would end with 139 chapter because of symbolism, but it looks like they were wrong.


go to /anime/ where you belong


It actually would’ve been better to just end off there, or continue with a storyline where plot armour doesn’t allow eren to continue the rumbling. It would open up a lot more questions and a lot of better solutions to the titan problem, like just altering the DNA of eldians to not pass on the shit in the founders spinal fluid to their kids. Re education from a neutral perspective on the islands history for all, tests to resolve issues with titan abnormalities that have them attack other eldians regardless if wether they’re still under the influence of Ymir, or just simply having more to say about WMDs in warfare. It goes on and its a shame the author wanted to do an evangelion in the dumbest way possible


If I understood everything correctly Eren had absolute control over all descendants of Ymir, it’s kind of stupid that he didn’t use to idk help them by improving their bodies, and life’s, helping with disabilities, longer life’s etc, found it kind of annoying how story decided to just remove the fantastical element from the world, which seems to be a common trope among media. But tbh I think the story suffered mostly due author seemingly being sympathetic to fascism and thus refusing to do actually interesting things and solutions. Also kind of fucked up how quickly Aot fans seemingly adopted the in universe fascist stance on the conflict.


Also ngl the headshot scene was 🤌🤌 10/10 moment really liked how the head fell right into Zekes arms, and how the spine grew out of the head, the ideology is dogs shit but the execution and plot twists were pretty good in my opinion.


He didn’t manga wise he’s straight up dead and lost control to Ymir completely, and this carries over to the show. There’s a reason for why he couldn’t imagine a future for himself where the rumbling doesn’t occur despite being aware of the fact that everyone around him were pushing for better options.


he was an incel


An incel and a moron you mean


>refuses to fuck mikasa for entire manga


A lot of it is because of this. Again the author isn’t a terrible writer, just terrible at writing endings and should’ve had someone else write the conclusion to AOT where eren stays dead, or something way more brutal with eren alive and vilified along with all of his supporters with the world permanently fucked


Doesn't he also get cucked


Can’t be cucked by Jean if you die a virgin first


but he reincarnates or some shit


he wrote a bunch of imperial propaganda, we can call it terrible


>2 AoT threads in siberia
>Already one in /anime/

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