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Just found out season 2 of Kengan premiered couple weeks ago. Currently downloading it, hope it covers Kiryu vs Kuroki fight, that one was awesome in manga. How come there already wasnt a tread about this, do you guys not like buff men punching each other?


6 minutes and 30 seconds into first episode. Japanese age of consent is discussed.


Ok, so the first episode was filler/previous season recapitulation. The first fight of the season is going to be Wakatsiku vs Julius. Been years since I read the manga, so completely forgot what the order was. And briefly checking episode titles, yes, Kiryu fight is in a middle of a season.
The opening is pure buttrock excellence, its like watching bad AMV, missing only fraps logo and spanish subtitles.


I just watched Kiryu vs Kuroki episode. Disappointing I must say. 3DCG works really well for most of the fights, makes them look dynamic, fluid. But Kiryus fighting style specifically is heavily stylized in manga, and CG animation just fails to translate it.
Anyway, there was this youtuber who used to make Kengan MMVs, his channel is deleted but luckily all of the videos are archived, and his video does make the fight justice.

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