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/anime/ - Anime

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Hajime no Ippo mangaka George Morikawa sparked controversy on Japanese Twitter for complaining about art made by staff of the animated adaptation of his manga…
Morikawa's original posts were about him fearing counterfeits of his own art, but he went on to discuss artwork being done at overseas events, the fact that animators don't necessarily have the right to do it, especially if they profit off of it
This is actually a thorny, sometimes tightly controlled issue: last summer, at the Paris Japan Expo, animators Keiichi Ichikawa and Eisaku Inoue were forbidden to draw any One Piece or Saint Seiya art during signing sessions
This is also an issue in Japan. Another mangaka, Shoko Hamada, discussed not just illustrations and fan art, but artbooks sold as dôjinshi by individual animators. A good example would be Kerorira's Bocchi the Rock! artbook, one of the most prized publications of last summer's Comiket
Another infamous example of this kind of controversy is that of legendary animator and designer Tomonori Kogawa, who once sold original illustrations he made of characters from Galaxy Express 999, much to the ire of original mangaka Leiji Matsumoto….
God forbid exploited animators actually do something for themselves. I fucking love copyright law and "intellectual" property.


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<an artist
>tacking on a angreeable general statement at the end for people that can't read.
>the afarementioned being fully conveyed by sarcasm such that if someone calls that out without surgical, hard to read language you can accuse them of agreeing with the explicit message unironically.
Okay this has to be a .neteen psyop


lmfao if someone is "just complaining" about people drawing their copyrighted stuff theyre obviously doing it because they arent getting a cut. op presented 3 different situations too. use your brain a bit


abolish IP


>the fact that animators don't necessarily have the right to do it, especially if they profit off of it
Uhhhhhh how is this NOT rent-seeking? Assholes want to ban even fanart because muh IP


The post was phrased as a general trend rather than /isg/.


define rent seeking


a thread strictly about manga, mangaka and animators is now "/isg/"


This guy just recently got bombarded cause he said to respect all art and included AI art. He didn't react well, he means well but he's pretty dumb.

Unique IPs: 5

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