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I'm just thinking, when I was trying to watch a film I like with a non-anime fan I'd often put on Ghost in the Shell since I thought it's really highly rated and would be easy for a non-anime fan to watch. But this isn't the case, everyone I've watched it with hates it, which I find wierd since I think it's overall a really good film which is well known in normal film circles and is well regarded, and there isn't much of a reason to dislike it. I mean the artwork is 10/10, the setting is cool, the pacing is great, the action is exciting, its got good philosophical content and the ending is interesting. But non-anime fans who I watch it with hate it and I mean hate it with a passion and find it immensly boring even if they like live-action films with similar a similar tone or content.

So is it that the film has a lot of small anime quirks that throw non-weebs off? I mean I can't notice any but it might be the case. Maybe people don't like the dialogue but again this isn't something I understand. What do you think? Do you have similar experiences? I think its really interesting and I want to know more. I mean I'll put it out there that I love films in general but HATE stuff like Breaking Bad. Maybe I'm looking for different stuff or maybe its because I grew up with anime and I don't get thrown off with it.

Also, do you watch anime with random friends? I'm thinking of watching Patlabor 2 with my parents at Christmas since I think its right up their alley, but they didn't really like GitS so idk.

The average person doesn't like animated movies except for Disney or Dreamworks shit - and even those are barely making money these days - and even people into "independent films" will not touch anything besides Ghibli movies or cult classics like Perfect Blue because that's the only anime they'll ever show on smaller theaters, lol.

1. Most people have crap taste in movies, and aren't used to animation for adults that takes itself seriously, and a lot of people just aren't into movies that deal with heavy themes

2. GitS is a great movie but it does have some minor anime-isms that haven't aged well (the major's nudity being laid on a little too thick for example)

>>22439 (me)

3. Honestly it just might also be the local culture you inhabit and the people in it you know.

>(the major's nudity being laid on a little too thick for example)
<anime-ism is when naked bodies
oh youre one of those huh

I would watch a serious business anime like In This Corner of The World with a non anime fan. Even my dad liked it and he's as for from an anime fan as possible.

> Maybe people don't like the dialogue but again this isn't something I understand.
Sounds like you do understand. Lol I was about to mention that. Anime can be kind of annoying with their love for stilted pontification.

For me it's just something you get used to not something you ever come to enjoy.

The nudity itself isn't a problem, mostly. But there are times where I'm like "Oshii please put your boner away you already made the point"

Ghost in the Shell is really good but as far as Mamoru Oshii movies go
>Angel's Egg
>Patlabor 2
>The Sky Crawlers
are all arguably better

I loved that movie, its in my top 10, I just think its honestly so Japanese that I think it would scare more people away.
Angel's Egg is great but I'd only watch that with art/philosophy/film people, and I do think I'll try watching Patlabour 2 with my parents next time I'm home it's just hard to put on the smart TV and I'd have to plug my laptop in or something. And yeah I don't really like Sky Crawlers that much, the plane designs were cool but I think it should have been a 30 minute short film rather than a full length one.

Sky Crawlers honestly gets better on rewatch. There's a lot of subtle character stuff that's easy to miss, but once you notice it, hits fucking hard

GitS is not an approachable movie for mainstream audiences in general - it has less to do with it being an anime film. Try a Ghibli movie or something less cerebral. It's a shame though, GitS and the sequel are two of my favorites.

Just make them watch Your Name., there's no way someone could dislike that.

>I loved that movie, its in my top 10, I just think its honestly so Japanese that I think it would scare more people away.
I don't think so. I think the fact that it's a very serious movie beyond anime tropes would anyone re3spect it as if it was live action. I would also recommend Gravy of the Fireflies but my recollection is it's even more heart wrenching and might be too much(I only saw it once like 20 years ago.) Definitely show them some serious movie not some silly movie, maybe Totoro or Howl's Moving Castle if you want something less Japanese.

I mean yeah, there's also that. Ghost in the Shell is honestly one of the most mismarketed movies of all time. It's basically an arthouse movie wearing the clothes of a sci-fi thriller, but it got marketed first to X-TREEEEME KOOL KIDS and then to anime normies on the basis of the spinoff show

Ghost in the Shell is honestly quite boring
I watched once, found boring
Second time, slept through
Third time, I really enjoyed it

GitS is outdated and bad introduction material
Watch things based on what others like, not based on what has a high score

Hell, one of my mom's favourite movies is Rebellion so I guess you're really having a skill issue

It's funny how adults view animation as "for children" and yet animation made for children gets all the awards.

>there's no way someone could dislike that
That is a relative statement.

>Gravy for the Fireflies

Taste issue

Try to make them watch the live-action Ghost in the shell, next time.

i don't get why GITS is so well regarded while Patlabor 2 is relatively obscure. I've never felt a pressing need to re-watch GITS while I do Patlabor 2 at least yearly, it's kino.
is GITS "objectively" a better film, or is it just that GITS was in the right place at the right time for American critics to put it on a pedestal so it has wider name recognition?

>a better film, or is it just that GITS was in the right place at the right time for American critics to put it on a pedestal so it has wider name recognition?
yes. u also hve to consider half of GITS iz jus cool aesthethics, the first thing that comes to mind is the shots of the city abou halfway thru the movie- i mean shit thats one way to pad the runtime lolz. ive also nvr heard of this Palstor 2 movie b4, an will b watchin it tn, so thx for the rec anon :D

>the first thing that comes to mind is the shots of the city abou halfway thru the movie- i mean shit thats one way to pad the runtime lolz
incredibly braindead approach to films

ok ill bite, what were ur thoughts on that portion of the flic? scenes should resolve around propellin the plot, what exactly did that section do to add to that?

youre complaining that a visual medium is visual and going cinemasins over it

yea its cool visual art, but it can still hve fault in storytelling. all visuals tell a story, and by promoting randoms shots, the scene deviates from the main story about chasin the rogue ai to tell its own story in the visuals, which takes u out from the film. if it had the protagonist chasing leads or something alongside i wouldn't care
>cinemasins over it
womp womp

>but it can still hve fault in storytelling
which you didnt bring up

yea u got me there :( poor argument formattin in my part, mb. still, my argument stands, do u agree?

The average person doesn't like animated movies except for Disney or Dreamworks shit - and even those are barely making money these days - and even people into "independent films" will not touch anything besides Ghibli movies or cult classics like Perfect Blue because that's the only anime they'll ever show on smaller theaters, lol.

>The average person doesn't like animated movies except for Disney or Dreamworks shit - and even those are barely making money these days
idk the the spiderverse disney got is pretty huge, an thats jus the first thing that comes to mind w/out searchin 4 profit margin figures online. do u hve any sources on this assertion? ion rly believe this

>scenes should revolve around moving the plot forward.

Well, no. GitS isn't a movie that's about its plot in the first place, it's a movie that uses its plot to explore themes, vibes and setting. The plot is just there to enable what it does, and the meandering visual style it uses to that end has been common in arthouse cinema for decades.

Like, buddy, you think GitS meanders? watch a Bergman or Tarkovsky movie and you'll see where it comes from

Oh it's one of those "the characters should speedrun the plot else it's bad" people.

I do think a lot of the death of film criticism comes from people who think technical "quality" is something that objectively determines how good the film is. it's how you get stuff like saying "this film is perfect cause it has no imdb goofs". it's not the same thing at all.

Like, sure, you got objective metrics of "quality", but that's not the same as "goodness". like blockbusters today have far more advanced technical visuals than indie films in the 70s, but that doesn't make them "look nicer". they look sterile and those films have visible passion.

Don't forget UY: Beautiful Dreamer. Perfectly surrealistic while still being comical at times.

>the spiderverse disney got is pretty huge
In which demographics? No, families don't count.

>blockbusters today have far more advanced technical visuals than indie films in the 70s, but that doesn't make them "look nicer". they look sterile
They look sterile because the CGI doesn't blend in very well. Practical effects blend in better while CGI that blends in better is more expensive to make and is just as difficult to implement I imagine.

Yeah. Oshii’s always been really good at making movies that take a very “arthouse” approach but are still more accessible than most movies that get slapped with that label. Even Angel’s Egg I would argue is more accessible than most similarly abstract movies due to its brevity and being relatively straightforward in how it presents its themes

People always hate on current films for looking "sterile" but will praise older films for being high quality graphics

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