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I think 86 is complete garbage. I started watching it because I like mecha anime and it has a good rating on My Anime List. First off I could not finish this anime, I only got four episodes in before I dropped it. I like the ideas behind it but the plot makes absolutely no sense, I know in mechas there is a suspension of disbelief to watch it but this show asks you to completely turn your brain off and I can't. And this completely gets in my way of enjoying this show, which is a bummer because I like some of the ideas of this show and want continue watching it but I can't because of the plot holes. The plot is essentially their this country who is at war with another country and because of racism chooses to have all the "Aryan" citizens stripped of their citizenship and forced to fight on the front lines. But if you think about this its incredibly stupid because whats to say these people refuse to fight and march on the capital demanding the "Aryans" also fight along side of them? They have the military training and mechs to do so and the government would have to do something or risk getting destroyed by the enemy. This makes the themes about racism feel a lot more hollow because it makes those oppressed groups look like willing participants in their oppression which is not something I should be thinking about in a story about how racism is bad. Now because this plot hole took me out the story the others which in better written one would normally not take me out started doing so. Like in the second episode it is revealed that the enemy robots are all autonomous and have gone rogue. Why does the government launch several EMP's to destroy them? I then started thinking about real life militaries and how the United States uses drones, then been controlled by a person several thousands miles away. This is way better because it saves both the pilots life and the skill he gains from experience. Which the government in this anime clearly doesn't value even though it should because they should want to win the war. Overall the guy who lite-novel this anime is based on clearly didn't give a shit about the plot and I in response don't care about this story either. If you can ignore the plot I would suggest checking it out because it has some interesting ideas. But if your like me and you demand the bare minimum when it comes to logic of the plot, avoid this show like this plague because it will hurt your brain. This anime's plot is Star Wars prequel's level of not making sence.

I think its sort of garbage as well. It does get better over the course of season 1 though. I enjoyed 86 at first since it managed to be a lot more gripping and exciting than most other anime recently aired, and over season 1 the plot and characters are going somewhere. The thing about them not rebelling is that the robots have completely encircled the country and will kill them all if they don't fight 24/7. I think the point is that if they have a revolution they get robocided. Honestly I was really excited to see the republic get smashed by the empire bots since that would be the ultimate catharsis. So season 2 comes around and is atrocious in every way. It ruins every possible payoff in a way only a light novel author could pull off. It starts off fine with our characters having to find their way through no-mans land, that bit is good. The robots do invade the capital of the republic and whatever her name is manages to pull together a rag-tag defence of 86's and citizens. Wow that's such an exciting and cathartic moment where the fascists get whats coming for them and thats perfect for a medium where it can be shown in full detail in animation. Unfortunately IT HAPPENS OFF CAMERA! The most interesting thing in season 2 happens off camera! Then the cast and le grim reaper goes off to another country and gets adopted by the president AND THEN THEY HAVE A RETARDED SIDEQUEST WHERE THIS FUCKING CHILD LOLI SEXBAIT FUCKING CHARACTER gets introduced and is the most annoying piece of shit ever and they have to go on a sidequest since she's actually a princess from the empire and her knight became a big robot and they have to kill the robot! Literally pointless shit. Half an episode on the history of the empire would have done better worldbuilding than this shit. The only emotion that it evokes is the desire to slit one's wrists.

Season 2 being so bad sort of made me realise season 1 was as well. The thing with 86 is that its just really childish. There's no maturity, no intrespection, themes are handled in the most lazy and childish way ever, but its edgy. It's Maze Runner or Divergent tier, which isn't suprising since its a light novel. The difference is its presented (at least by fans) as an engaging and nuanced story rather than crap for preteens. Also I don't know which came first but its literally the SAME shit as the Code Geass OVA films (actually its a lot better than those apart from the mech animation), I don't know which came first but someone must have been reading someone else's work. Or perchance light novel authors have no creativity except Nisiosin (who I hate btw and don't ever read his shite but at least he has a creative brain cell. Actually idk I've nevrer read his shit anyway so what do I know?) and the medium is shit.

Is Code Geass just as bad or is it just the films? Cause I was planning on watching that next.

>But if your like me
This is an 18+ site anon

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Code Geass is actually great, story gets kind of silly, but the main character carries that show.

Watching Geass now its a lot better than 86. But do Japanese people have this bug of a hate boner for British people.

Yeah just finished it. Code Geass is one my favorite animes of all time now. Lelouch Lamperouge is literally the best written character.

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>whats to say these people refuse to fight and march on the capital
One of the few things it establishes well is the structure of the military being dictated by the current state of technology.
The Republican mechs are explicitly made for mass production above all other concerns.
The "Para-RAID link" is the centerpiece of their war communications network and their only technology equal to the empire. There is also "laser communications", which likely requires extensive infrastructure at the transmitter's side.
If an 86 force were to rebel, it would either have to rely solely on local comms or potentially improvise long-range radio, that would be vulnerable to Republican snooping.
Agreed. S2 is obvious dogshit, although the child character actually acts like a child as opposed to a loli and is imo never sexualized beyond plain moe.

Last time I posted this leftypol server went down (and my post was not saved, sad!) but truth must be told lol

I completely disagree with all the 86 bashing!

86 is literally the current war in the Ukraine, this anime is very prophetic!

>Capital resembles Moscow's boulevards

>Most of the population is unaware of what is going on and regard it as some minor far away conflict
>Claims of 0 casualites, painting alternative reality of events
>Other ridiculous, militarily inept propagandistic statements
>In reality the regime uses poor and "undesirable people" (Russia has mobilized a lot of people from Donbass much before the first very weak partial mobilization was announced, basically treating locals there as second class citizens who must be mobilized first - not to mention using local population to fight for themselves with limited assistance since 2014 to not upset precious American pardners)
>Military leadership is absolutely incompetent and is incapable of achieving decisive victory, relying on aimlessly wasting human lives instead

I wish Russia to win but that's the reality - modern putinist Russia has found itself in a meatgrinder it is incapable of winning with a lot of parallels to 86. I am even recommending 86 to my friends for them to better understand the peril of the Russian situation

In other words, 86 represents the metrapolitan life during modern warfare, where capitalist government's propaganda and people's indifference together allow propagation of fake realities about war in people's minds - while at the same time that same government can be so corrupt and incompetent that it can't produce basic mobilization measures to save itself because it could make people "wake up" from the fake reality the government has constructed (not only about the war, but also about the extreme depravity and ugliness of capitalism, etc.)

I agree with your point, but I don’t think this only applies to russia. The whole “sending second class citizens to war” is a common part of societies in the age of capitalism, minority groups are over represented in US military for example.

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