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Manga prominently featuring female characters and perspectives. I recently read some Tomoko Yamashitas works, and would appreciate if anyone has recommendations for more. Can also serve as a yuri thread, since old one is full.

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I start with Vampeerz. Real good love story with good love scenes.

Just call them yuri.

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yuri as a genre has pedophilic overtones tho.

Quit culture shaming.

I admit that i like citrus, yes it was kinda fucked but that makes it kino tbdesu.

Yuri as a genre is fucking BORING. I can count manga with actual steamy girl-on-girl action on one hand.

Babby's first yuri.

I thought babby's first yuri was >>20308 This Anime I remember watching Strawberry Panic years ago.

you're retarded.
yuri it's not porn.It can't be porn, but not necessarily.

There's actually a ton of steamy yuri manga, like mostly short stuff but I could list you so many if you want. Anime on the other hand is 99% yuribait.

Here's a cute manga I read a while back in its entirety. Cheerful Amnesia, basically a girl loses her memories of the past 3 years of her life, which was basically the entirety of her and her girlfriend's relationship. You have to watch as she navigates life, trying to remember what she forgot and trying to take things back in the status quo. It's very comedic and slice of life. And there isn't luckily real drama between the two

I don't like yuri it makes me sad.

Because you'll never know the sweet touch of a beautiful woman?

Previous thread: >>101

I would like to thank this Anon for introducing me to a series that I am still reading to this day. Be warned, can get raunchy but some heartfelt moments as well

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go read Is My Hobby Weird instead of baby shit that the average "GL" fan gobbles up

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>This lame ass image-dump thread again
<If not that, then it's the same ass retardo-nuclear takes going to be posted again

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imagine if otoboku was actually relatable

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Futa on Female > Yuri LMAO

Seems stale? What did you like about it?

Much appreciated, thank you.

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futa on futa > futa on female > yuri

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<Weird looks and appearances
<smudge texture
<Yang's weird-ass small face
<that wack-ass penis placement
At least post GOOD RWBY futa FFS admittedly there's not a lot of good futa on futa RWBY tbh

But yes, correct.

>judging based on participants rather than actual quality of the work
cringe af, especially as none of you have posted anything particularly good
In particular, the last picture confuses me… WTF is that huge thing on the red girl's penis? Is that a sounding toy? Is it a huge pimple?

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>judging based on participants rather than actual quality of the work
WTF does that mean?
>none of you have posted anything particularly good
As compared to yourself… who posted nothing at all.
>WTF is that huge thing on the red girl's penis
<this nibba isn't paying attention to the details of the pic
<doesn't know Seraziel

>WTF does that mean?
That saying futa>yuri is stupid because the variation between works/ artists is way greater than the variation between them. It's like saying jazz is better than rock (stupid) instead of saying miles davis is better than the clash.
>As compared to yourself… who posted nothing at all.
Why on earth would you assume that I've posted nothing? I posted my manga recs.
>isn't paying attention to the details of the pic
Are you saying that that's supposed to resemble an animal penis? I do not believe that a single animal in the world has a healthy penis that looks like that.
>expects me to know every reasonably popular futa artist
no. In any case, from what I've seen of them, I'm not impressed.

what is it about yuri that attracts so many autists

autism has a high degree of comorbidity with being trans

but trans people arent annoying

>Seems stale?
what makes you say that lol

It's the genre of pornography that's visual enough for men to stomach it, but disproportionately less focused on visceral arousal, and more on companionship, romance, etc. It thus attracts people who tend to be less aggressive, but more pretentious (me). Perfect combo for autist-posting.
Sometimes I think I should just shitpost like I'm supposed to, but usually the idea disgusts me. And then I think of how funny is it to imagine the person recoiling and cringing at my autist-posts and I think "doesn't that make me the true shitposter?" and then I continue.
I am not trans

you arent special. just your average insufferably petty internet nerd

no shit

>implying there's a 1:1 correlation between personality and the genre of fiction you enjoy
Oh boy.

>implying any correlation at all is the same as implying the most stupid form of correlation

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…are you genuinely autistic? Seriously how long have you been off meds to be this invested in a shitpost about a porn genre, I'm both concerned yet amused.
>It's like saying jazz is better than rock
LOL not only is that false equivalency but the reasoning of "futa > yuri" went over your head entirely even though it's been a long running joke regarding lesbians in /h/ and /d/.
>Why on earth would you assume that I've posted nothing?
1) It may be a surprise to you but this is an ANONYMOUS short-rib cooking forum, I can't see your IP or know your post history (nor do I want to).
2) I was referring to your post, replying to 3 people having a laugh and posting some relevant pics, complaining about 'quality' of posted pics while posting no image yourself. As you have done again.

As a side note you can read the posts and see they're about futa, if you don't like it as you seem to imply, then why click the spoiler?
>Are you saying that that's supposed to resemble an animal penis
If you're trying to bait me into posting zoophilia you'll find me lacking that content on my hard-drive nor would I post it. If you're not baiting then you're either sheltered (weird considering you're posting in a glorified hentai thread) or just stupid. Also as a veterinarian and biology major, most animal penises are tubes of flesh and many look grotesque to us; if you've ever had the displeasure of seeing an unneutered male pig harassing a sow, you'll know what I'm talking about.
TL;DR: It's a canine penis, because of Ruby's wolf theme in the pic, Seraziel is known for them and it's a popular non-human choice in porn today.
>expects me to know every reasonably popular futa artist
<proceeds to state they've seen their stuff.
<somehow knows they're relatively popular
Don't pretend this is a case of deductive reasoning either, I know you will.
>In any case, from what I've seen of them, I'm not impressed
Any particular reason? They have good shading, good color gradients, texturing, anatomical proportions are good, characters have personality in his images etc. Hell I'm not actually a fan of most of their content, but I'm not going to be disingenous and call it poor or middling.

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>are you genuinely autistic
No, genuinely lonely af though. I've taken autistic tests and actually score lower than the average non-autistic person.
>even though it's been a long running joke regarding lesbians in /h/ and /d/.
Can you generally assume that every person on this board knows references from /h/ and /d/? Genuinely curious. In any case I haven't been on those in years.
>this is an ANONYMOUS
Hence why I was wondering why you thought I hadn't posted anything. But I'm not really a single-image hentai connoisseur. So my favorite futa artist is Yassy. But idk if they have any really striking single pages. I like pic related more than any of the other posted pics. So if you wanted something to insult my taste with, you have your fuel I guess.
>if you don't like it as you seem to imply
I didn't try to. They're fine, I just thought trying to prove that futa>yuri with pics that imo were mid was a problem… But they're still mid. I don't hate mid.
>TL;DR: It's a canine penis
I literally looked up what those look like and they don't really look like that, but w/e. It's a bit poorly drawn there I suppose. The artist draws them more accurately in most of their other works so w/e.
>Don't pretend this is a case of deductive reasoning either, I know you will.
No, I just looked them up in response to your post lol. How did you not figure that out?
>Any particular reason?
Considering that you don't even like most of their stuff I'm not sure I need a particular reason. They seem fine, just struck me as rather generic. I like things more stylistic usually. I'd be impressed if my friend could draw that well, but by the standard of a professional they don't wow me. Maybe mid is too harsh? I feel like they're maybe a bit above average pixiv quality, but nothing special IDK what to call that if not mid.

>Can you generally assume that every person on this board knows references from /h/ and /d/
Used to be that yes, most people posting here got the same jokes since regardless of political stances people here were more or less a product of the overarching imageboard cultures and subcultures. To be fair I haven't been on those boards in years either, I just recall it well enough I suppose.
>if you wanted something to insult my taste with
I'm not insulting anyone, I was just taking the piss out of the other anon for laughs
>they don't really look like that
Depends on the canine. For some its a nearly shapeless pinkish-reddish mass, like someone pushed a herniated intestine into a test-tube, others look more like the illustrated versions
>How did you not figure that out
Honestly I'm just fooling around, your candidly cool response is honestly a relief
>Considering that you don't even like most of their stuff
I dislike it mostly because of personal pet-peeves, where a drawing will be good, but a single detail just bothers me and I can't unsee it… or other reasons.
>by the standard of a professional
Professional by what definition? I don't think they went to art school, or something like that, so do you mean in regards to doing it for money?

Recomend everyone on this thread to watches this vid.

The &t=2s at the end of your url is a timestamp. You probably tried to embed the video but failed because vichan can't process timestamps.

I feel like the criticism of the male gaze separating object from subject fundamentally confuses the subject-object dichotomy. Like "seeing a person as a subject" is a type of seeing them as an object, it isn't possible to separate the two (it would only be possible to separate the two if we literally became them). Thus, the difference is lack of subjectification (and tacit involvement of the audience) not objectification per say.
Also if this is meant as a criticism of yuri manga, about 2/3 of yuri manga authors and 1/2 of the yuri audience is female by just about every poll I've seen (including polls on 4chan).
Despite all of that, good vid.

"Stale" was the wrong word. Should've used "trodden" or "tried". I.e. unoriginal, acquiescent, tame, etc. Prima facie, mind.

I can't tell if you're not a native English speaker or you're making a joke, but just in case it's the former… Stale was the correct word and is a synonym for everything else you said, and they likely understood that.

Nah, stale has a negative connotation (ya know, like stale bread). What I tried to convey was that the manga simply seems typical, but meant no more than that.
Very long way around means of asking OP to expand on their opinion.

>canine phallus
i thought they were just wearing a condom

Couleur de bijoux d'amour is very nice collection of oneshot yuri manga. Read it first time years ago, gives me fuzzy feeling. Makes me very sad too.

Slightly erotic manga about girl with neglectful boyfriend getting seduced by another woman. I like how the muscular woman is androgynous but in a different way to how androgynous women tend to be drawn (i.e. tomboyish).

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Gunjo. Very emotion manga, heavy stuff in it, premise is a woman who murdered an abusive husband of her old love. The whole manga is mostly just these two damaged people talking and dealing with their feelings.

Oh I remembered My Private Report on My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness. Most people probably already heard about it, but if you didnt read it! Its about autistic lesbian recounting her life.

>Women centered manga
You mean shoujo/josei? And what do you mean by "female perspective?" It's not uncommon for women to write male-centered stories and it's not uncommon for men to write women-centered stories so it's all a bit unclear.

Its supposed to be vague. Basically shoujo/josei, but also, would psychological manga such as >>22788 count as josei?

Wrong thread, use this: >>20306

It's published in a seinen magazine so I guess it's not josei. All this demographic shit is so confusing that I stopped caring. Like, look at K-On! It's something that can be published in a shoujo magazine no problem (minus a few minor edits).

(Spoiler warning for the anons who didn't read)

I've finished it… and it's about newly appearing desires haunting our main character which makes her to 'hire prostitutes'.

Eh, she does not care about anything ,even abstract, magical or special accumulated on the idea of love and she is fine with commodity exchange to buy seggs.

Thank you for the recommendation, it was an interesting at first glance, but somehow it became gloomy- I'd be more pleased if the main character's feelings gets subgujed by a newly realized intense affection-obsession towards the prostitute which she hired and maybe they'd both get in a long journey together more than a mere relation of commodity exchange.

So, this was one of the mangas that made me feel apathetic and consumed. All the things are tiresome and I can't find anything to cling into.. this girl found something in sex… just pathetic, temptating slave-morality stuff, blehh…

lol just search for any manga made by a woman????????

>implying shoujo/josei mean anything beyond what magazine they're published in

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Quite a lot of women make stuff for shounen/seinen mags.

>Its supposed to be vague.

So just vibes? Just make a thread about the specific manga you like at this point.

It's always been a useless descriptor, not unlike "JRPG" and "WRPG" in video games.

Unlike in the west manga has a lot of women authors so this thread could get anything posted.

Pic related: Bocchi the Rock is made by a girl, has all-girl cast, published in a seinen mag with a lot of other seinen with similar characteristics to it.

Bride's Story is pretty good.

Watamote :)

>they'd both get in a long journey together more than a mere relation of commodity exchange
That would be very silly. She is a prostitute, what "journey together" could she have with her client? And the girl doesnt really desire love, as much as merely her own feeling of self-worth.

I dont care who its made by, or even for, but as >>22805 suggested, pretty much just vibes. Deals with female characters in serious-ish manner. Drama, romance, psychological, that kind of stuff. For example watamote is too cartoony, while Bocchi (from little I have seen so I might be completely off the mark) seems like standard moe-blob anime, and Brides Story is historical adventure, neither being really about women. I dont know, they just lack the emotional element.

>That would be very silly. She is a prostitute, what "journey together" could she have with her client? And the girl doesnt really desire love, as much as merely her own feeling of self-worth.

I meant, I thought they would 'love' each other and the prostitute would quit her job. But yup, too much dreaming..

full metal alchemist is pretty good

"What magazine am I gonna publish my manga today?"

Oh, is this the shoujo thread (mods might find it productive to change the title or content of thread's O.P. to be something like "Shoujo/josei General Thread"?)?!!


(There are already easily found lists of many currently mainstream or currently popular ones so these are more likely to be personal preference biased.)
Classic (relatively) works, from Watase Yuu, Ikeda Riyoko, and Ichijo Yukari for instances, are likely to be safe bets‐
And CLAMP's works are also, although the fujo content sometimes goes…bit far sometimes (LOL), popular ones probably, and several of their portfolio have gotten adapted into anime if that's more preferred!
Morimoto Kozueko is also one who has some fun series, at least that I've enjoyed.
And Akatsuki no Yona is another one potentially worth your try, which hasn't finished yet and has also had its manga been turned into anime (beware of the spoilers though).

For josei manga recommendations I am not anywhere as versed and acquainted as some others might be, so apologies there…not many suggestions to give there.

>Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

One very very worthwhile series, that is excellently paced quite consistently, it is to go check out, even though technically the source material was not published in a shoujo magazine originally AFAIK. The author herself additionally was born in an agricultural region, later to go to the city, and has another series, about a youth who moves to the countryside from the city, called Gin no Saji that looks also like good stuff.

The audience demographic that the magazine claims to target is certainly, as people say, large part of what determines the categorization of the works published into shounen/shoujo/seinen/josei/and so on and so forth, despite the presence of much crossover actually of the magazines' readerships and authorships, but there is also the element of art-style and there is sort of aesthetic similarity and aesthetic inclinations; plus at least for the classics there are probably more emphasis on certain topics and such, like "ningen kankei" ("peoples' relationships") in classic shoujo and how shounen traditionally often utilized more diverse environments, to not even mix in the question of "adult content", adult themes, and such for seinen and josei. The former 2 additionally compared to the latter 2 could perhaps have more "normative" elements, as society has its expectations that popular media consumed by youth audiences should both not harm the youth or promote criminal behavior. The comics in the American core of the West had content codes back in the day too, and the publishers were bound to them, were they not?

But anyhow… Maybe the original poster or someone could refine the question?

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FMAB is shounen, women write shounen too.

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Reviving from Page 5 with a little ecchi

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>excellently paced

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No, not pedophilic, as really I frankly rarely see loli-shit in illustrated Yuri. However I won't deny that Yuri as a genre has always given me a bad vibe; a lot of yuri doujins, even SFW ones, feature questionable consent and peer pressure by a sexually aggressive character, usually a sempai, with manipulations and gaslighting. Yaoi often does the exact same thing as well for that matter. Rarely have I seen either done genuinely well, with simply two normal adults having a normal relationship. Partially I'd attribute this to the fact that it's hard to write such a relationship without being boring, unless you throw something interesting into the setting such as it being a sci-fi or fantasy - and even then that's not a guarantee of good writing. It's easier to turn to cheaper methods of 'thrilling' taboo, which is why 50 Shades of Gray and Twilight sold so well and had such a large following in spite of being well known trash.

>bait implying pedoshit
>"culture shaming"
>totally not kink shaming
>"pls don't kink shame me owo"

There's other yuri with adults, it ranges from creator to creator when it comes to pedoshit. It's no different then any other animu genre

This, although i did drop a few yuri manga for having underage shit


>The manga recounts the experiences of Soviet women who worked as nurses, doctors, pilots, tank drivers, machine-gunners, and snipers in both front-line and home front settings, as well as in occupied territories. Despite their significant effort and sacrifice, the contributions of these women - who numbered over one million - were ultimately disregarded and overshadowed by those of their male counterparts.

>The contributions of these women - who numbered over one million - were ultimately disregarded and overshadowed by those of their male counterparts.
Outside the USSR maybe. In the USSR the roles of women as fighters and heroes of the war was never under question.

>celebrate womxn!!
this thread is quintessentially american because female authors are simply such a big part of otaku culture lol

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>this thread is quintessentially american because female authors are simply such a big part of otaku culture
And why would that mean women shouldn't be celebrated anyway? I didn't know the USSR was quintessentially american.

hanahook is a woman

no way

People like using anime and manga as escapism. They like placing themselves into the protagonist's place, something which I'll never understand. But that doesn't mean only female-oriented works are like that. Male-oriented works featuring an ordinary highschool student or an otaku becoming OP sigma males are also wish fulfillment. So ultimately you shouldn't ask whether we should or shouldn't celebrate women. You should ask whether or not we should celebrate escapism and pandering in general, no matter the gender, ethnicity, sexuality, political and religious views, class, etc. The main problem with feminist idpol isn't that it celebrates women and minorities. The problem is that it panders to them just like conservatism panders to white cishet Christian males. And that makes me sick. It's all just a manipulation by the bourgeoisie to make you see their garbage, low-effort entertainment.

you are talking about stuff you haven't studied, experienced, or understood. and arrogantly so

No, I just despise marketing. Not all shoujo works are pandering, just as not all shonen works are. It's just that many of them are due to the nature of the capitalist spectacle. I have no issues with actual shoujo works, in fact I think Nana is cool, even if I'm not a fimel.

lucky star, azumanga daioh, nichijou……..

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Reposting because Zankaria apparently hates lesbians so much that they ignore the details of Rule 10 that they cited me for.
>any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option
It was spoilered, I made sure of it.
>Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason
It's lezdom which is relevant to the thread. The previous Lesbian/Yuri/Woman-centric thread was 50% literal PORN spam, most of it unspoilered, yet the mods didn't even warn that guy for posting, despite other users literally asking them not to image-dump massive amounts of porn. Hentai threads and other lewd posting is allowed on /anime/ in part because it's fucking ANIME, ecchi comes with the territory FFS.

A random selection of paired girls including 420Chan

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Also of possible interest to y'all is the futa thread >>>/siberia/528164

Unique IPs: 28

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