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now they're doubling the cost of subscription lol

streamcucks eternally btfo by piratechads

too much too fast too shameless. they're gonna see some fierce backlash. they're supposed to boil the frog.

regardless, they will eventually get what they want. we've seen it so many times before. services companies introduce unpopular nakedly greedy shit, the suffer a PR backlash, they concede some shit (but crucially do NOT revert), and then they slowly advance to the model they wanted to implement in the first place. and the stupid masses of frogs are boiled. anime fans are particularly pathetic in this regard. i've seen this episode so many times before, i know the script by heart.

People are not stupid. Only diehard neoliberals believe corporations will act in your best interests if you vote with your wallet. Most people understand they are bad and exploitative. They just don't see a way out of capitalist realism because they've bought into the anti-communist myths and believe any meaningful change will lead to gulags and mass starvation.

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$20 per dvd doesn't seem so bad now huh

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is there anyone even defending crunchyroll at this point? iirc everyone's either streaming on pirate sites like aniwave (formerly 9anime) or torrenting shit from nyaa or animetosho, at least in the western anime community

Burning stuff to DVDs is pretty easy these days

Wasn't crunchyroll already outed as scammers with the whole "you are supporting the anime industry" being a lie?

i think they used that excuse for a while and then they shat on vas

shit. gonna become a physical media auteur.

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