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File: 1608528765601.jpg (528.07 KB, 1118x1486, her face when.jpg)

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itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
465 posts and 333 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is she from Genshin?


No, she's Black Swan from Honkai: Star Rail.


>Honkai Star Rail
Close enough.


>breast expansion

Now *that's* my shit >:3

sauce sivou plaes


>furries are anime adjacent
Wait, then why aren't Western cartoons anime-adjacent?


not gay enough


>not gay enough
Well, I dunno, I dunno…


not bad

for a start


File: 1707510095831.jpg (280.13 KB, 1280x1358, 1707508436008.jpg)


>someone else living my dream


File: 1710790913665.gif (3.92 MB, 500x281, 1710790393888.gif)



File: 1713852337865.png (313.46 KB, 480x360, ClipboardImage.png)



The flushed / blushing emoji shirt meme is proof of Big Oppai superiority.


I honestly watch porn with flat-chested girls depending on the mood since I don't actually come around them often.




perfect sag


No pantsu?


File: 1716133551563.png (Spoiler Image, 999.98 KB, 2092x2003, 48b232d488e97039b00d0fbe70….png)

It's nude, so to post the full pic I'd have to spoiler. You're not missing much.


File: 1716570653204-0.jpg (316.75 KB, 1276x2048, F9dBRidbgAAb_PA.jpg)

File: 1716570653204-1.jpg (294.45 KB, 1175x2048, GH4omFNbEAA3kaq.jpg)

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File: 1716570653204-3.jpg (269.17 KB, 1163x2048, Fn7adn2akAIziR2.jpg)

File: 1716570653204-4.jpg (281.86 KB, 1255x2048, FLobzxmaUAQp9ZC.jpg)

// copied from >>>/siberia/537116

@_sa0ru puts so much vibrance in stuff like water and it pays off so well. Also makes me want a bathroom with sunlight access so I can have plants in there.


File: 1716628864657.jpg (161.97 KB, 1448x916, 1716592735688.jpg)


No. 2's sag though. The sheer heft


I want to stretch them, then let go and see what happens.
>You're not missing much.
>thicc thighs


That means they can be spinned around unlike spherical boobs. Which is based.







File: 1717182396995-0.jpeg (113.45 KB, 811x1200, GOyHiCfawAAiY_L.jpeg)

File: 1717182396995-1.jpeg (101.76 KB, 720x900, GOn7qxyWYAE-Vnc.jpeg)

File: 1717182396995-2.jpeg (450.6 KB, 750x1200, GOoH05BasAAF3vv.jpeg)

File: 1717182396995-3.jpeg (76.58 KB, 722x900, GOuXu4sb0AAy4Gx.jpeg)

File: 1717182396995-4.jpeg (175.67 KB, 768x1152, GOKMHDNWYAAmR0x.jpeg)




perfect hang


If you can't hang then
There's the door, baby
If you can't hang then
There's the door, baby
If you can't hang then
There's the door, baby
If you can't hang then
There's the door


File: 1717987560472-0.jpg (151.45 KB, 857x1200, GPcsIUKaoAAsqDd.jpg)

File: 1717987560472-1.jpg (53.67 KB, 512x768, GPXfg4kWgAAzQ4h.jpg)

File: 1717987560472-2.jpg (217.92 KB, 1365x2048, GPNML3RXIAAMY38.jpg)

File: 1717987560472-3.jpg (134.29 KB, 720x1200, GPhPevOWcAAv3ym.jpg)

File: 1717987560472-4.jpg (725.51 KB, 1024x1536, GPfxoczWsAAlz4l.jpg)


Why does hair grow on the bra on the second picture? Why does the girl have really long fingers on the fourth picture?


>long fingers
She just has yuri hands.
>bra hair
That one has AI fog so probably just trained on a lot of images where the hair goes down to the bra strap.


>yuri hands
Is this some meme I don't know about?
>probably just trained on a lot of images where the hair goes down to the bra strap
Lol, the AI glitched out.


pp hard



File: 1718154430087-0.jpg (216.48 KB, 960x540, 1663271559333217.jpg)

File: 1718154430087-1.jpg (3.19 MB, 1788x3240, Elf Tsunade.jpg)


File: 1718659175162.mp4 (21.47 MB, 1280x720, Issei's Theme.mp4)


is amv hell still a thing


File: 1718724084158.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2894x4093, 1718709291820-1.jpeg)



Yeah but it's kinda speciated between more conventional AMVs and fancams, with both being referred to quite non-descriptively as "edits."


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File: 1719158268639-1.png (1.33 MB, 1187x1359, 1719157118330-4.png)



File: 1719742595745.jpg (1.27 MB, 2980x2980, 1719414190926.jpg)

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