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>Reincarnated as Louis XVI, I want to stop the French Revolution with all my might and live happily ever after with Antoinette
this is a manga that exists


Lame and gay.


I thought you were summarizing it but that's actually the whole title. Why is isekai shit named like this?


Does it matter?


oversaturation of the market meaning you need to try stand out from 10000 similar titles


Reincarnated as Hitler, I want to win World War II with all my might and live happily ever after with Eva Braun.


Pretty sure long, elaborate names are a tradition in Japanimation. They even give the episodes long names, even if they don't have to. Dunno where this tradition comes from.


It's a trend the emurged on a specific site selling light novels. Reason is that site didnt really have a place for synopsis so people made title's the synopsis which helps sell it. Usually these have short version names that represent the synopsis title.




>have 20,000 hours in hoi
>have surprise appointment with truck kun
>we adolf hitler now
>history is exactly the same as before


The artstyle is nice, gotta give it credit. Very shoujo-esque. But then again, it's not like The Rose of Versailles doesn't exist.


What about the that art style is nice?? It’s the most generic stuff you could imagine, big bug eyes, weird deformed noses, big heads and weirdly placed ears.


The hair looks more detailed and the eyes are different.


Theres a couple other about Marie Antoinette whose names I can't recall.
There is one where MC is reincarnated as Marie Antoinette instead but the premise that got a chuckle out of me is: MC is Marie Antoinette twin brother but Marie Antoinette is eaten y zombies on the way to Versailles so now he crossdresses as Marie Antoinette.


Wait. Are all these isekais just hit pieces on The Rose of Versailles?


The latter is no isekai from the few pages I read; I haven't read The Rose of Versailles so I cannot tell if they truly exploit the manga itself or if it's just reusing that period of history.


I always knew Japanese web design was terrible, but the fact that it goes so far as to affect their art and marketing is hilarious


I unironically love this, it's so amateur that it has this "stylistic suck" feel to it. You don't see that in overly polished American TV shows.


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I'm reminded of Louis the Whatever's fanfic writer. "The" something. He wrote an isekai adaptation. Nicole and I saw it when we pirated Crunchyroll. It even outshone The Rose of Versailles. In the end, Louis clapped him in irons.


just don't Invade the Soviets and allow them into the Axis.


Based response to my post, gave me a chuckle or two.

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