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Why do we have hands?

Pat the moff
Adore the moff
Cherish the moff
Sacrificd all material and spiritual possessions to the moff


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Sosu! SOSU!!





I really like the character and I think she's really cool. The problem is it makes you look like a paedo even if you just think she's badass.


>Pat the moff
>Adore the moff
>Cherish the moff
>Sacrificd all material and spiritual possessions to the moff


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We need a crossover so badly


I wasn't planning for another struggle session today tbh




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nice, cute and fluffy thread sosu!


Lame creature



Perfect bait for fish


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Who is the Moffin' man?



i haven't kept up with the manga in years and the last i read she ripped off her arm and ear. did they grow back in the meantime? also, should i pick up the series again?


>should i pick up the series again?
I never liked the series but from what I heard of fans, they disliked the later plot being repetitive.


Like unironically that's what actually happens in 1-2 chapters from there.
I still recommend to at least finish the arc. It has been the slowest so far but the author managed to make it pay off


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