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Basically, I think Berserk is a PUNK series, very anarchist in flavor! Let's see now!
>There are no good authority figures, every noble is a piece of shit, coward, or demon
>King is literally an incestuous pedo
>All religions are brutal hierarchies perpetuating fear and lies that only serve to intensify chaos by intensifying oppression and delusion
>The closest thing to God is the Idea that Evil is a real thing and not something humans made up
>Guts is in a revolution against God/the Idea of Evil
>Guts is happy to be a mercenary cuck following the system and killing for money until he gets faced with the nightmarish truth of reality and must face off against the horrible demons (forces of reaction irl) that spring up to annihilate any who remotely threaten the hierarchy
>There is no savior just as there is no Gods or Masters
>All astral shit was imagined into existence by humans


I don‘t see how Nietzsche and Anarchism are reconcilable. Nietzsche seemed very fond of hierarchies. He wasn‘t the kind of person who wanted the hierarchy flattened for everyone to be equal.


Anarchism = Autonomy, not Equality
Nietzsche and Anarchism are compatible


The idea of evil existing as a positive aspecf of reality is directly schopenhauerian, where he reverses leibinz's concept of God making an inherently good world. Good is just the *absence* of evil and so on.
Also, Guts is not Nietzschean, since his stated mission is to bring men to death, and so his ethos js again, pessimistic, not vitalistic.
Griffith is the one with undying (literally) ambition, and Evil is just the spiritualising of Nature itself in all of its chaos, and so is dionysian.
As in kropotkin and bachunin? Absolutely not. But in the premodern way, meh, but i would rather say Guts is expressedly apolitical. He has no "polis" to have politics with.


The IoE is not an expression of Nature itself, it is an expression of humanity’s rationalizing about Nature and the desires and actions of humans.
Evil is not an intrinsic factor of the Berserk universe, nor is good, these are human abstractions. Rather, enough humans believe in Evil and fate as the cause for their suffering rather than random chance and an indifferent universe, so as to give birth to an Entity whose only purpose is to give mankind what they most desired, Evil upon which good could then be transposed, and fate written over random chance. The IoE exists to give humans what they subconsciously want, a purpose. It is the Idea of Evil rather than good because humans conceptualized the notion of evil’s existence prior to good’s existence, as they found pain and suffering to be the exception, rather than pleasure and contentment.

Griffith is not a Nietzschean figure at all to me, he fully surrendered to his own ambition in the end and accepted being a pawn in the IoE’s plan to deliver Mankind its greatest desire beyond the existence of evil and fate, a Savior to save them from evil and lead them down a different fate.


There is no difference between Nature and its abstract self-reinforcement. If Evil exists in the world, i literally cant ignore it, because its trying to kill me. I am part of its self-related Idea.
>a Savior to save them from evil and lead them down a different fate
But isnt he the ubermensch here by transcending limits? Guts is just a guy, but griffith is a god.


More importantly, is the series progressing after Miura's death? I remember it happened two or three years ago, but I've also read some of his collaborators may be carrying over Berserk.


Yes. Some major supporting characters just came back into the story after having been absent for a long time.

The art is noticeably different but still high quality and stylistically very similar. The biggest complaint people have had is that the dialogue is pretty sparse and the pacing is pretty fast. It seems like they don't want to add anything to the story beyond what Miura told his friend Mori the plot was going to be.


Actually the point is that Evil doesn't actually exist in the world. You don't get diseases and die because of evil, but because diseases happen to exist. People don't do violence because they're evil, but because they have s propensity toward aggression and a desire to commit harm. Attributing all this to evil is the problem, and that's what Berserk points to. Humans convinced themselves "Evil" exists before they conceptualized any god.

That's why the Entity isn't called "Evil Itself" it's called the Idea of Evil, or more accurately, doesn't actually have a name


You're speculating based on a chapter that was withdrawn and possibly no longer canon.


these fictionbrained threads remind me of "kimpossible anon" from last year or the year before


I'm speculating based on a chapter that was removed for revealing too much to early that was proceeded by a chapter that ended by showing the IoE titled "God of the Abyss" and is thematically consistent with everything we've seen in the story thus far


In Berserk evil is real because humans willed it into existence.
The IoE was conjured by humans, the Apostles (demons) and Godhand are all former humans that chose to become what they are.


In Chapter 83 the IoE directly tells Griffith that it came about when humans cried out for reasons, reasons for why they suffered. Reasons for their pain. Reasons that they died random and absurd deaths. Humans decided that Evil is why. Evil curses them with sickness. Evil created predatory animals. Evil humans (also known as enemies) who live to spread wickedness brought more of this essence into the world. But this wasn't a thing before humans. The Universe doesn't care whether a tiger nurtures its young or devours them. The Universe doesn't care what happens to humans nor what we do to each other. Evil is not a reality external to humans. Hence why the IoE did not exist prior to humans. Because it's a personification…of an idea.

As for the Godhand and the Apostles, we're told and shown that apostles are all humans that made a deal with the Godhand, and we see from the Incarnation of Griffith into Femto that the Godhand also started out as humans.




Kung. Pow. Penis.

Kung. Pow Penis.


You just explained why you would literally end up as one of Griffith's sheep ready to be served up when the time comes for the next big sacrifice
>Nature is fundamentally evil
Idealist nonsense and western life-denial
Nature is inherently amoral, morality is something created by humans, it's nonsensical to claim a virus is evil for infecting a cell or a tiger is evil for eating a gazelle.

There is no force called "Nature" that preordained reality, and stating that humans (that adhere to slave morality) get something psychologically and socially out of "pretending" evil exists isn't an argument that it actually does, it's more noble lie nonsense, like pretending God exists because people feel more fulfilled believing that it does


The IoE is supposed to be that humans made evil a real thing because they couldn't accept the underlying nihilst reality, that bad things happen for no reason. They found the idea that some evil will made them happen was more comfortable. And then once you accept this, the power of evil becomes alluring since "evil" is the name you give the the source of all misery. Instead of merely being a victim you may seek to become a victimizer and have more control over your destiny. That's why people become apostles.


Indeed, and it is also bound to fate.

The IoE represents three distinctly human desires, reason, purpose, and salvation; humans desire reasons for suffering and thus invent evil as an explanation, they desire a purpose for the outcome of their lives and thus decide events must have been fated to happen as they did, and now that they have invented evil and fate they cry out for a savior to save them from evil and to change fate. That is what Griffith's reincarnation at the Tower of Conviction represents. That is why the IoE is called the Desired God.
Lmao ngl I feel like you might have too many idealist natsoc spooks to understand the philosophy of Berserk
Amorality doesn't require good and evil existing anymore than atheism requires a god. Amorality is simply the state of things without humans assigning value judgments based on their own desire for pleasure and fear of pain.


Berserk is a work of fiction, you don't need to agree with Nietzschean philosophy, but Berserk is a Nietzschean story, there isn't a deeper level where actually it's hyper-moralist and promotes Uber slave morality


Nietzsche was heavily inspired by Wagner who at one point was an anarchist who worked together with Bakunin. This had a profound influence on Nietzsche's political writing. When he talks of the free spirits, the followers of his philosophy enacting great influence and steering society, they don't do this by the rule of law. Nietzsche despised the rule of the state and saw it as a secular religion. Leaders in Nietzche's view were writers and artists influcing society through civil society. This is in line with Wagner's anarchist and may even be traced back to Bakunin's idea of the "invisible dictatorship", were a small group may inspire and steer the revolution through education and rhethoric rather than an offical position of power enforced by the monopoly of violence


Wagner was very expliclity an anarchist early on in his life and in his very early writing. He expliclity planned an uprising with Baknunin until it failed and he got banished. I wouldn't suggest Nietzsche is an anarchist per se, he obviously spoke negatively of them (although this was due to their tendency at the time to use enlightment secular religion schools of thought, this changed when Nietzsche got incorperated into the tradition. This is the same story as Stirner). I am however saying Nietzschian anarchism is possible, and the link is not as strange as it may appear with a superficial understanding of the "hierachy" in Nietzsche's work


but i think this has to do with the open signifier of what an anarchist (anti)politics can represent in itself. everyone is an anarchist in most things already.
in the end, in "antichrist" nietzsche seems to wish for a further impersonalising of the will by placing his faith in science, for the quality of post-humanity, which i also think is his cynicism; of the project of the ubermensch itself.
i think for example, a pagan hero like achilles was simply born as a higher type, the same way in the iliad the gods are called a "race" unto themselves. the act of willing ourselves to be greater can work, but only relative to our mere humanity.
i think being human is good enough in any case.
But i will def look more into wagners anarchism.

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