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i would like to adress the reactionary monster, anime cuck porn, also known as netorare, how NTR is an absolutely terrible hentai category. It's almost worse than Gore, in my opinion.

The whole premise of Netorare is first and foremost, unfaithfulness, treason, in both reading materials and animations, the story always follow the same line, that there's this really good guy who has a beautiful girlfriend who cheats on him with someone who's usually an asshole, a rich scumbag, fucking hideous both in face and body, two of these things, or all three at the same time. And it makes no logical sense whatsoever. First of all, the really kind and emotional guy walking in on a beautiful girl he loves getting fucked by an ugly guy is completely nonsensical. In reality, relationships are complex, and if cheating or infidelity does happen, it’s not as shown in NTR, where the girl cheats with a guy who is 1000% of the time an asshole or an ugly fucker to the extreme, FUCK!, of all the men to cheat on her husband with, and she goes for the asshole in every hentai? Why would she actively choose to go for an ugly asshole to cheat with in the first place? Cuz he has a big dick? Cuz she's an asshole too? To hurt her husband even more? Or maybe it’s because the writers hates us? It's both misogynistic AND misandristic in that it portrays all women as assholes who prefer huge cocks over the good-looking and kind fellas they already fell in love with, and it portrays men that are emotional as weak and foolish while portraying the other men as ugly dickholes. Nobody wins here! Everyone is a bad person!

And why would you as a man jerk off to this? I want the women to listen to me as well, I will get to you in the next page, The Young Hegelian fuckers tell me always not to kinkshame nobody, however, I am here to do so.

what is it you like about netorare? What makes you self insert? If you want to live your sick fantasy and you’re inserting as the man who gets cucked, why is it you want your partner badly to cheat on you, and have both your girl and the asshole mock you? And if you actively want to seduce a woman and fuck her behind her man’s back, then why? Are you an asshole? Would you want this to happen to a girl you love? And if you’re just excited by the idea of a taboo setting where there is breaking of bonds and the excitment of fucking behind the cucked partener’s back, why would you enjoy the aftermath? Where the man eventually finds out he was cheated on or the woman feels guilt over her infidelity or worse, brag about cucking her husband and speak badly behind his back? Is it because you have had stories of infidelity in your family and this is your way to cope?

Another thing I hate about it is its consumers, why would you fuckers ever want to feel sad or depressed while jerking off?! I can kinda get why you'd jerk it if you are depressed, it could be valentines day, you’re single, you feel like you don’t deserve love for failing at finding a girlfriend so you think about her fucking someone else, or you’ve been dumped and you want to feel something, anything, even though it would actually make you feel MORE depressed after the brief euphoric nut boost, but to actively become sad when reading hentai? That's a whole nother level of cuckolding! You cucks! You actively WANT your lover to cheat on you AND upset you in exchange for brief sexual satisfaction on your end? Have you been cheated on before? If it’s true why would you want to re-experience and jerk off to the time when you found your loved one cheating on you? You want to hurt yourself like that? Are you really that self hating? How much of a fucking loser are you? Even if your dick is small, even if you're terrible at sex, if she's unsatisfied then she should just LEAVE YOU! Not actively cheat on you then leave you! It’s like she WANTS to hurt you first! You’re better off without her, Cheating is never okay men and women!, even if the guy wants to be cheated on! That guy doesn't need to be cucked, no! He needs to seek immidiate therapy, OR BATINA!

As for the woman's side, I said I was going to address you, for the women in here who like reading NTR, if you enjoy, relish about the idea of cheating on your boyfriend with some fucking hideous motherfucker so much, then perhaps we should all, men and women, recreate the fucking SCARLET LETTER and brand a sign on your forehead for the rest of your life that reads "I AM A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WHO DOESN'T DESERVE RIGHTS!" Because THAT'S HOW YOU ARE, You are an insult to the feminist movement, you are THE feminazi, and we don’t like Nazis around here, and if you’re so much of a pervert with a high sex drive who wants so bad to have it with multiple guys, why would you have a boyfriend in the first place? You enjoy cheating on him? You enjoy hurting other people? STOP LAUGHING OVER THERE! This is not a hotline Miami refrence, this is serious! You could have became a sex worker and enjoyed all the dicks you can, or started a polyandrous or polyamorous relationship with full approval of your men, and it would be better than shitting on a man’s feelings and backstabbing him like that, especially someone who trusted you. Same thing goes for the men, becoming a playboy is better than cheating on your girl.

But that last point brings me to a whole OTHER genre of NTR: where the genders are reversed! When there's a beautiful and kind-hearted lady, the perfect girl who's with a total Chad of a guy who cheats on her for some bitch ass basic bitch! THAT'S EVEN LESS OKAY THAN THE ORIGINAL ONE! Under communism we treat women with respect you fucking waste of materials! What, she doesn't have big enough titties for your bitch ass? She doesn't actively want to have sex? THEN RESPECT HER WISHES, BREAK UP AND MOVE ON TO ANOTHER! Cheating, from EITHER party, is plain wrong! Horribly wrong! And if you're a girl who likes getting cucked as well, then once again I ask WHAT. THE FUCK. IS WRONG. WITH YOU?!

To conclude, I am to address netorare as a parasite of the bourg culture, it has existed in the royal families of every feudal society, and continues to exist among the aristocrats and the bourgeoisie families, and now they try to force their poisonous anti-revolutionary trash on the working class, to devide them, I really fucking despise the NTR, curse NTR and curse everything it stands for. I swear, the entire NTR category is worse than when Disney hijacked Stan Lee's old Twitter account to promote an NFT of a character that nobody gave a shit about. It's worse than THAT! Sorry for making a long ass speech that barely has anything to do with our raid, but I needed a place to rant about this bullshit. In retrospective, NTR fucking sucks ass. Read some wholesome shit. Get in a good mood. Drink some hot cocoa. It's Christmas, not Valentine's Day! Be happy you fools!


>TL;DR: NTR sucks because cuckolding sucks
You don't need ideological text-walls to say this lol


where the fun in that?


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I agree OP, idk why I'm here I was looking for 4/20 chan but I agree. NTR/Cuckolding is a bad fetish, self-destructive. Well said.


its just shitty porn bro


I suppose, at least the end message is good
>In retrospective, NTR fucking sucks ass. Read some wholesome shit. Get in a good mood. Drink some hot cocoa. It's Christmas, not Valentine's Day! Be happy you fools!


Another thread elevating a fucking fetish into a political matter. Fuck off.


>>TL;DR: NTR sucks because cuckolding sucks
One is fantasy, the other is a real act.


NTR is just a japanese term for the word; Netorare (and stuff like Netorase) which applies to real life too, it's a misconception that it's just a hentai fetish tag.


Is it? Every definition of NTR says it's a porn genre, unless you mean ねとられ.


This fetish is the bad and we have a text wall explaining why




>It's almost worse than Gore, in my opinion.

i ain't sure, guro hentai included guts and suffocation, ntr hentai, if you remove the context or captions, just looks like regular hentai. it might include an ugly bastard, but it's less fucked up than gore


ntr is bad because it interferes with a man's property rights


Found the Stirnerite


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>political shittery


Rakujitsu no Pathos is a cute ecchi manga that's basically one long ntr about a mangaka seducing his ex high school teacher after she marries an older man and settles down next door to him as a frustrated housewife.

If you love kinky smut, huge boobs, and being eternally blueballed, then look it up.


It's worse, it's irrelevant moral outrage pretending to be a deep political issue. If it was just a thread crying about a porn genre without the pop psych pseud pretense it would be much better, or less bad rather.


You don't understand anon, I must feed my porn addiction by continuing to masturbate to more and more shocking and taboo material in order to get the same high I once had. If I don't, I'll become desensitized to it and the withdrawal people are gonna come to my house and physically abuse me if I don't find a new fetish to meet their needs. ;(


>nooo enjoying fiction is bad and badwrong sex fiction is the worst ooooh i shall faint i saw a naked ankle ooooh


why is it that the "vanilla" pornography that is supposed to be morally superior to other forms of porn is always heterosexual? why can't i fantasize about sucking cock as a man and have it be vanilla?


The idea that having a sexual partner other than your husband is treason is reinforcing monogamous patriarchal relationships, GET UNO-REVERSAL'D, MOTHERFUCKER!


Well OP did say doing a polyamory or sleeping around is a-okay better than cheating


Cuz society is more into fetishizing homosexuality and putting it in the pervert Section along with futas and ugly bastards than into normalizing it enough to be seen as vanilla, hence why vanilla shit always translates in their mind to heterosex only


Have you not seen the pic of the Dengist cucking anarchist? Its very revolutionary. OP got cucked once and now has turned reactionary.


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oh yeah that pic, good thing it was made by communists for communists, but it was still made with a bourge idea, cuck stuff. anarchist wasn't even into it.

i sympathize with the anarchist, cucked like that by alunya, but can he do? she chose big deng cock.

you know what convinces me cuck hentai is a tool of the fetishist capitalists? no innovation whatsoever, always the same story with someone cheating on someone with an asshole, you know what i want to see? a netorare where the guy's girlfriend is an asshole so he decided to cuck her with another guy, gay netorare, gender reversal works too, a girl whose boyfriend is an ass so she cucks him with another girl, sure it's still cucking but you'll feel okay knowing the asshole had it coming, no pun intended

and nah i ain't a reactioid, traditional relationship roles are shit, but so is hurting someone who loved you with sex


I dunno, if a person enjoys being cheated on then is there really a problem? I personally do not care, I think these sorts of issues should be sorted out in private instead of us shaming these people because we do not understand them. It's like with traditional gender norms: yeah, they're cringe and keep us in line but if a woman genuinely likes being a housewife then why not? It isn't reactionary: simply being a housewife isn't gender-normative, saying that women should be housewives is.

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