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File: 1714111136192.mp4 (472.27 KB, 1280x646, woahey.mp4)


but it won't be great without a banger mecha anime and something really gar.


ok gramps


I want to see her boobs.


There was Bang Bravern which was pretty alright.


Delicious in dungeon is great! Everyone should check it out! NOW!


What does the anime bring compared to the manga tho?


falin booba


idk, I’m reading the manga. I just recommend the cartoon because most people don’t have the capacity to read.


Kids today don't get enough gar in their diet. That's why anime girl vtubers are so popular.


Er, it's voiced and animated?


(waiting patiently for Patlabor EZY to finally come out)

(it won't be as good without Oshii directing)


I really want to have sex with this monster woman


Is it any good or is this jist another cooking show?


>Is it any good or is this jist another cooking show?
It's pretty metal IMO


>jist another cooking show


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>cooking show
It's a pretty balanced mix of dungeon crawling, fantasy ecology, and cooking.


why did netflix switch from releasing Dungeon Meshi every week to dumping episodes? it's way better to pace it out for enjoyment and discussion. who wants to binge a season before they can talk about it with anyone?


I know people who refuse to watch shit if they can’t binge it. They are obsessed with watching shorter stuff and complain when there is “too many” episodes. Capitalism has absolutely destroyed peoples ability to enjoy art we are encouraged to optimise/maximise our consumerism and this has lead to people binge watching slop trying to consume as much as possible.


>I know people who refuse to watch shit if they can’t binge it.
Amateurs. There's nothing you can't binge. Nothing. Such thing does not exist. If there are "too many episodes" you simply slice them into large chunks and watch them like that. I fully complete anime series that way. Oh, wait, they want Netflix to make these chunks for them? As I said, amateurs.


brb gonna binge one piece




I'm surprised R34 for this character is still in such low numbers.


File: 1718293524140.jfif (1.6 MB, 2025x2869, GP7_HXPacAAYnPM.jfif)

Season 2 confirmed

low numbers compared to what, sonic the hedgehog?


Not surprising. I think it's the hottest anime on tumblr right now. It doesn't hurt that it's really, really good.

Unique IPs: 18

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