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A friend of mine(a feminist) recommend to me, In some ways I do think it's interesting insight,where it's a fascist vigilante story with a largely female audience
The series is called "Brutal: Confessions of a Homicide Investigator." It's about a police officer named Hiroki Dan who is a serial killer vigilante, the thing is unlike the vast majority of vigilante stories, the protagonist isn't a gruff middle-aged man who goes after mafia's(and maybe sometimes corrupt politicians) the hero instead is an attractive "perfect" male, whose wealthy(but still humble) and the people he murders are evil's that are a little more realistic, like a campus rape gang, a group of teenagers that harass people. a teacher who grooms a student, an abusive father but also stuff life a Journalist who harasses a family for stories and a youtuber who capitalises on tragedies, Interestingly, the implication is that the system is always too soft and inefficient and needs to be brutal.


Isn't that that show Dexter? I don't know because I gave up after 2 episodes. Really can't stand watching serial killer, true crime, whatever sicko kind of murder content. I can see gore no problem but like watching a whole long program about sick shit doesn't do anything but put me in a bad mood.


sounds disgusting and i'm sad you made me aware of its existence


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here's an example of what I mean, this character is a scummy reporter who is shown to be a total asshole and his view(that you shouldn't physically punish children) is presented as something that creates abusers


>the people he murders are evil
I kind of hate this half-assed edginess. Like if you want to make a villain protagonist, actually commit to the bit, the "he is evil but only to evil people so not really" comes off as cowardice on part of the writer.


It's not uncommon for feminists to hold highly fascistic tough-on-crime beliefs. It's a shame.


Make her read actually an absorbing, thoughtful tale, Crime and Punishment.


I've seen feminists on twitter literally state that you cannot reform a rapist, that they have to be shot and killed and that if you disagree with them, then your a rapist, they've fallen really into the deep end of either fash propaganda


Hes Dexter, basically


>a group of teenagers that harass people
not worthy of being murdered
>an abusive father but also stuff life a Journalist who harasses a family for stories and a youtuber who capitalises on tragedies
also not worthy of being murdered

>It's about a police officer

That's all you really need to know about this work here. If it really wanted to be "realisitic" it should have Hiroki Dan kill multiple innocent people in his zeal to purge all of the baddies and it should show the families of the murdered devastated by the loss.

To be fair a lot of Girlboss Fascism tries to hide itself by calling itself "Feminism" but ultimately only advances the desires and concerns of the most well off women (cisgender, heterosexual, bourgeois white women), thus all of the fascistic beliefs baked into such a thing.


>To be fair a lot of Girlboss Fascism tries to hide itself by calling itself "Feminism" but ultimately only advances the desires and concerns of the most well off women (cisgender, heterosexual, bourgeois white women), thus all of the fascistic beliefs baked into such a thing.

Feminism is just the prodigal daughter of chivalry


At least Dexter kills actual murderers and big time criminals though, but still a highly fascist shot yeah


Batman is usually portrayed as mentally ill though.


Turning Feminism from a revolutionary social movement that came from a critique of political economy into a personal code of conduct is one way in which it was recuperated into modern capitalist society.

So no, Feminism is not inherently a modern chivalry, it was made that way so it can be used in PR and marketing campaigns with the real radicalism of it taken out.


Oh yea fair point.
Like everything else pre-nineteenth century.

show me where.
Also Joker being allowed to wreak havoc because Batman doesnt like killing despite beating up demigods is fucked up.


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I gave it a try, read couple of chapters.


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the reviews


Robert Crumb said it best
>"the bitter Irony for me is that In spite of all the feminist theories women have, they still are drawn to Alpha Male type"


>show me where.
The entire concept of the character is a maladaptive coping strategy for the trauma of seeing his parents die.


Normies are fucked up


one of the most upsetting things to me as a feminist are feminists who don't understand that feminism is about abolishing patriarchal relations on all meaningful levels of soyciety. i know i'm expecting too much from liberals and capitalism but for fuck's sake aes countries half a century ago did a better job of doing that than
>protect wombyn!
retards who don't even demand anything even slightly radical


one of the most upsetting things to me as a feminist are feminists who don't understand that feminism is about abolishing patriarchal relations on all meaningful levels of soyciety. i know i'm expecting too much from liberals and capitalism but for fuck's sake aes countries half a century ago did a better job of doing that than
>protect wombyn!
retards who don't even demand anything even slightly radical


one of the most upsetting things to me as a feminist are feminists who don't understand that feminism is about abolishing patriarchal relations on all meaningful levels of soyciety. i know i'm expecting too much from liberals and capitalism but for fuck's sake aes countries half a century ago did a better job of doing that than
>protect wombyn!
dumbasses who don't demand anything even slightly radical


I agree, I want a manga where the villain mc is just flat out irredeemable. Ichi the killer is probably the closest I can think of


At least he isn't murdering poor people(yet)


<You want to have the right to vote, yet you still like ogling muscle men. Curious.
😎Shut up and draw me some strong women with big butts, Robert.


none of that is exclusive to fascism


Same for trad guys. They whine about rebellious women yet thyre attracted to harlots and "femme fatales".


What is this, Batman meets Punisher but for zoomers? I cringe even while reading the synopsis.


>"Robin, quick! There's a Twitch streamer who says racist slurs on the Internet"
<"Sounds like a job for Batman and Robin!"


Bro/sis im glad there are more people troubled with the tough on crime retards. Id love to have a drink with you in some rotten punk bar or some shit



its funny how adults advocate for physical punishment for children but never for fellow adults.

And adults often use elder worship as the moral compass of children.
Children who bully other children are not seen as problematic.

Now you know how I feel about "caught on camera" vids about shoplifters and other petty crime.


This. I fucking hate redemption arcs now.
Not just in fiction but in real life.
Look up Tex Watson. One of the Manson associates. Became a born-again Christian and is spouting nonsense about needing youth rebellion against secularism.

I really hate how society has no respect for law-abiding wallflower males.
But men whom have a criminal past and became family men are showered in love and adoration.

Or even just douches in high school who become tenderparents and get pissed about about their kids developing worldly traits.

People like those dont deserve any good endings.
They should be forgiven, but never praised.


I wonder if the world of I, Robot would allow Will Smith to slap tomfools for making jokes about his wife.


this sounds like dexter, except in dexter you realize over the course of the show that he's completely in the wrong and insane, and you watch him lose his own humanity and connection to others. this just sounds like 'le based vigilante enacting my power fantasy!'


death note's light is completely irredeemable. his points are all worthless and idiotic, and no matter how hard the creator tries to handwave it as 'well both sides have a point!' it's obvious that the writer agrees fully with the detectives point of view, as judged by light's pathetic breakdown and useless logic


Cheers. The rabble are just braying for blood nowadays. The things people say about like, shoplifters are deranged.


vgh that scene in the warehouse is such kino


>except in dexter you realize over the course of the show that he's completely in the wrong and insane, and you watch him lose his own humanity and connection to others.
What? Have you watched the show? I mean thats what should have happened if the writers werent complete hacks, but Dexter did become a show about a cool vigilante guy.


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>This. I fucking hate redemption arcs now.
Contemporary media has such a fetish for redemption arcs that they don't even blink when a character murders thousands of people on screen in graphic detail, because they have a change of heart later.


does that actually happen in invincible?



not exactly. it's been a while since i watched it but dexter kills a ton of people who did absolutely nothing wrong, like doakes (besides being a cop, oscar prado, got rita killed, killed paul for no reason besides him being a dick to rita, and tons of other people who never exactly deserved it. it's shown over the show that he cares for very little people, and as the series continues, the people he cares about gets more and more thin. you can still empathize with him, in a twisted way, but he's completely in the wrong. even my mom, who believes fully in 'eye for an eye tooth for a tooth' bullshit, recognized that.


that's a case of him being thoroughly brainwashed by the fascist system in viltrum. it's taking a long time for him to be empathetic, though. but it's not entirely his own fault. he's not yet past the moral event horizon


he still commits genocides (plural) on screen and then gets to be forgiven, steven universe style


As a former incel, I hate redemption arcs,

because they're trite, and don't acknowledge the fact that bad people are often deeply broken and dysfunctional people who need to do serious work to recover before they can help save the world and stuff.


It's more Vegeta style redemption, in that he was key in stopping an even bigger genocidal maniac


but that's what i'm saying. omni-man didn't come back 5 episodes later just saying, 'i'm a good guy now!' he actually protected 'lesser' people, the thraxans, selflessly, and we get to see him grapple with seeing the actual pain and feeling the hurt that others felt after the chicago massacre. i'm not saying it's perfect, but it's better than steven universe's 'i'll sing you a song and all your imperialist genocidal crimes will be forgiven!'


I havent watched Naruto in years. I stopped at the arc where they were still looking for Sasuke. I only found out years later that Orochimaru becomes a good guy and hes sympathised by the village.
Like what?
But people still hate on Sasuke?

Or how in Magi: Labyrnth Of Magic, Sinbad becomes some NWO guy brainwashing the entire world to mass suicide.

Amd then he has a change of heart.
Same with Arba who possessed Gyokuen Ren to kill her own family and wage war through the Kou Empire making her earn the ire of her youngest son Hakuryuu Ren who vowed to kill her.

Arba is redeemed.

But Hakuryuu is still looked down upon as the bad guy.

Society like charming dark-grey villans but hates on traumatised cynical protagonsists.


People dont like straighforward moral allignments anymore.

Antiheroes have been overpromoted for too long now.


>People dont like straighforward moral allignments anymore
Based, morality was always a spook, cope.


>moral event horizon
TV Tropes autism strikes again.


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Nolan's redemption is nothing compared to Robot's. Spoiler for the ending, but Robot takes control of the world, eliminating and imprisoning all potential rivals. But he manages to fix global issues, such as poverty, disease, inequality, and war. Although the story doesn't explicitly mention how what he did, it is clear that he improved the world. but still a major battle between the heroes and Robot happen and he's defeated, what happens afterward is what's fascinating. The heroes come to realize the value of Robot's contributions in solving most of the world's problems. As a result, they preserve his brain in a jar and keep him as an advisor for the world.


it's the good autism though


Yall say morals are spooks yet you get pissy about loli and shota or furry.

Those things are fiction.


nooo those need to be banned because of uhhhh… proletarian consciousness


yea sure.
Proletarian consciousness is just whining about being lonely and horny or asking if ones favorite consumer product will exist under communism.


Some days ago, my friend was talking about a series called "Girl from nowhere" it's the same shit as this but the protag has a pussy instead or whatever. Just told him it's fascist shit and bourgeoisie propaganda and his reaction: "damn, what the fuck"
yea dear, u can't enjoy stuff if ur a communist :^)


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Is Prophecy any better?

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