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The VO is garbage.
It should be redubbed with the cast of It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Danny Devito should VO every movie


I like the original dub the most. It's got character.


I think it's pretty great but it's the one I'm used to I guess


You talking about the real original (with TMNT cast) or the current dub?
Because I remember the VHS OOG and it turned me off of anime for years.
I think we all have a built up tolerance for lousy voice acting.
But just imagine Charlie as Tetsuo, Dennis as Kanaeda and DeVito as the glowie.

The current one is acceptable. But it could be excellent.


The original one from the 90s. Geneon? Or maybe it was Pioneer.


I honestly don’t know any details, other than I recognized the TMNT VO on the OG VHS tape.
Honestly, it was a massive culture shock. It was my first real exposure to anime, but I was watching the most violent and gruesome scenes and hearing the voices from the kiddy cartoons I grew up watching.
The 2nd (current) one doesn’t. So I guess it’s better, or at least a little less distracting.

Honestly, every few years there’s a new announcement for a live action adaptation. Which is a bad idea, because you can’t beat the animation. But it would be nice if they could cast some actually talented actors to redubb it. Maybe even hire some solid writers to punch up the dialogue. Because let’s be honest, it was a 3rd rate adaptation at the time. Now it’s one of the most
(Visually) influential films of all time. But the VO still kills the vibe.

For some reason, I can’t think of anyone else that could do Tetsuo justice, other than Charlie Day.

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