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/anime/ - Anime

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Wake up honey, the world's first non-fascist manga is about to drop!

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>were making a story about ww1 or 2. Let’s make everyone a young conventionally attractive female cartoon character whose appearance differs drastically from the types of people that fought in those wars.

There were female sniper squads in the Red Army tho

No one looks like anime girls, not even russian woman snipers of ww2

No body looks like anime girls dawg, they're fictional characters.

If it was furry characters i would watch, but anime girls are too consumerist and alienating escapism.

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>Why are they pretty girls! Waaah
Because many women of the time were attractive and there is nothing wrong with depicting attractive women. Stop being a retard.

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>If it was furry characters i would watch, but anime girls are too consumerist and alienating escapism.

idk of youre being sarcastic or not.
But knowing people, youre probably serious

The world may never know…

YES. So what? also they should fight using robots and they should all have big butts and fight in bikinis.

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What about this though?

hope i'm able to read it

we don't talk about this one…

I guess I'll have to read it first to give proper judgement but if this series is just another manga promoting militarism, gun wankery and le hecking cute girls fighting for their country (basically girls und panzer) then it's going to be fascist even if features Red Army women as protags.

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