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old news but still, we got genocide, famine, and and the blackest reaction sweeping the world right nowand yet the japanese communist partei is focused on anime thighs for some reason, lol.

Japan needs an actual commie party, the current is so obviously a thinktank of some sort.


this is one :^)

Going after sexy anime in fucking Japan itself is some of the most astroturfed controlled op behavior imaginable. What is this supposed to accomplish exactly? Because all it will do is make a lot of people think communism is NOFUN.jpg

This shit is always an op to make communists look less credible.

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This reeks of a PsyOp, some COINTELPRO shit. Infiltrate dissident group, create pointless divisions, and have the group destroy itself from within. It reminds me of how the American progressives always seem to be hyper-focused on idpol and nonsensical bullshit.

Remember, its all just spectacle designed to distract, isolate, and disempower you. Ignore obvious bait, and point it out to others who might not be able to spot it on their own.

Anime is love. Anime is life. If your revolution doesn't have anime, I don't want any part in it.

>Paying for sexual acts is an insult to the dignity of the individual
they literally just released updated party policies and one big one is banning all porn, seeing it talked about a bit on twitter already. Japanese leftists are just major prudes nowadays(or they always were?), the largest anti-porn org PAPS is run by a trans woman. Shits funky there




With its direct connection to legal child porn and such I can see why they take a hardline stance against it, cumbrain + pedoshit is endemic in japan


nofap is two doors down and to the left sir

total gooner death (just wait 40 years none of them will reproduce)

>people that reproduce don't jerk off

>jerking off occasionaly is the same thing as perptually gooning 8 times a day to loli

japanese communists are right find marx

fuck is you even on about. 'gooning' doesn't mean anything other than masturbating

japanese "commies" seem more like twitter evangelical christian brained prudes

Nah it's like self-hypnosis via continuous edging. Kinda like how debates can last for several hours, or people remaining high for days at a time. Gooning is that for masturbation.


japanese society has become so porn sick that women are noping out in ever increasing numbers from relationships with men, nevermind having kids.

Its a reactionary stance, but its one that is aiming to garner womens support

the funniest thing is the JCP is full of sex pest politicians, last year alone they removed several due to voyeurism

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>Nah it's like self-hypnosis via continuous edging.
Shit like sissy hypno is a fantasy fetish but you are dumb enough to think it's real. Like you know furries don't exist either right?

>porn sick
The reason Japan's birth rate is cratering is because of hyper-capitalism and the culture of overwork there. It's simply not viable with the lifestyles available to start a family there for most people.

Also even if you did have kids they would probably end up killing themselves and/or becoming Hikkis. Just not worth it.

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Communists should promote sexy media. Female, male, nonbinary, intersex, furry, whatever. The repression of sexuality is a powerful tool of the bourgeoisie. It's also what casts the shadows that allow sex pests to hide themselves. In a society where sex isn't shameful, it's a lot harder to keep victims from speaking out.


Based. But it's impossible to give this take IRL without everyone treating you like a pervert and probably nonce.

That is truth.

Based, pornography was legal in any AES state.

>we got genocide
now i understand why the JCP didn't endore israel, because their embasy in japan made a "cultural exchange" cartoon about travelling between israel and nippon in the style of animu and anime is bad to the communist party

no i will not post it

It would go a long way. Some of the most prominent eroge devs are right-wingers, shit would be unheard of in Trump's America

this is part of it as well, I wont deny it; but also if I where wanting to have kids I would not want to have them in a society that fetishizes and tolerates porn directed at minors, there is a point where noncery becomes so tolerated that it becomes social fascism of pedo men, that is not an appealing climate to reproduce in.

>people of japan don't reproduce because of hentai will take their kids
retarded opinion, if that was the case germans would not have kids (14 years old)

sexuality is a social construct. a society that enables (drawn) csam will eventually produce actual abuse

Societies that are more sexually repressive (like the USA vs Europe) generally have higher rates of sex crimes, explain please?

>if you make something a crime you have more crimes

this is anecdotal evidence but some of my friends are high school teachers and according to them abuse is as common as it is unreported - and this is in a country with rather robust protocols and legal frameworks. I don't want to imagine what it is like in places where this is not a priority

again, your arguments based on fefes about anime pussy being the cause of japanese not breeding ignores actual facts about who likes cp more.
again, why germans don't have these problems, when they are worse pedophiles and have the age of concent at 14, and japan do ?.

Pretty sure rape is also a crime in Europe.

I mean I'm sure much goes unreported but you can't just claim that 'well obviously in the countries where reported rates are lower they're actually higher'.

Huh? We were talkimg about pedophillia being treated as a serious crime. Many places it is not. Famously France and Japan the places where therd is little or no punishment and enforcement obviously have higher rates of pedophillia than the places that police it.

Can you prove a source that there is 'little or no' ounishment/etc against pedophilia (that is, child rape) in Japan and France?

if I say that beauty standards are socially constructed, you would probably agree. but if then I ask you what happens when csam is legal (and widespread) in a society, you bury your head in the sand and tell me it doesn't affect anything whatsoever. for example, most anime is distributed in a seasonal basis, and every season there are sexualized depictions of children, among the most watched anime. this isn't niche at all

>you can't just claim that 'well obviously in the countries where reported rates are lower they're actually higher'.

why not? do you understand what "unreported" means? if you live in one such country you should precisely ask for better laws and regulations under the logical assumption that the system is completely failing at reporting cases

you are yet to prove that japan has worse cases of child molestation than europe even if drawings are legal anon, europe is the center of distribution and creation of child porn, not japan.

Child pornography was legal in Japan until a few years ago when the US forced them to illegalize it. Did you ever wonder why every country on Earth has illegalized under 18 pornography?

yet even being legal "until a few years ago" they produce less child porn than europe, why is that ?.

They don't, you don't know what you're talking about. I looked it up, 2008 they made it illegal. They were just selling go to prison child porn everywhere in Japan before that.

"Compensated dating" paying high school prostitutes was considered a normal practice in Japan and they made and sold pornography of such out in the open, fully legally.

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I should say, in most of the world pornography is illegal anyways.

>Thread about sexy women
>derailed into legalistic arguments about pedophilia, CSAM, and loli
why the fuck are you uyghas so obsessed with this

in the west we call that sugar daddies.

loli hentai has the power of making internet addicts seethe, it's always either them, NTR or furries, i would like to say incest but it's widely accepted even if seen as taboo.

and you are yet to prove the opposite. I'm here to convince, rather than play debate club and throw around statistics, which are pointless without context

if it isn't a big deal why do people here oppose it's illegalization? if they care so little there shouldn't be a problem, right?

Not saying the same doesn't happen in the west but in Japan it was accepted as normal without the imparting of Western taboo so it is rather stupid to imagine that the countries without the taboo have less cases of it, when they consider it normal in the first place.

>and you are yet to prove the opposite
>throw around statistics, which are pointless without context
you claim japan is openly pedophiliac for drawn cp yet real cp, the ones that need to rape children irl to make, are mostly produced and distributed in europe as show by the simple >>25962 article, not only that its only on western nations that you hear of cases such as in tennessee where they pushed bills for child mariage, not in japan.
and statistics are pretty good indicadors if you are talking garbage.

same reason they oppose the ban of other fetishes, finding it icky is not a excuse, no one likes thought polices wanting to police your gooning shesh.
>if they care so little there shouldn't be a problem, right?
same argument the us used to justify mass surveilance, you have nothing to hide right ?, of course not, you ain't a terrorist, right ?.

> when they consider it normal in the first place.
that shit is not concidered normal in either place, but just like in the west they don't care, how many man actually got judged as creeps for having sugar babies, i've never seen it happen once.

It's obvious you have an attachment to this fetish and you don't want to acknowledge anything about the country that makes your pedo toons.

Agent Kochinski thread

the statistic only proves that some crimes were more often reported in europe. it doesn't prove that abuse isn't widespread and unreported in japan. you are throwing numbers around to deny reality without even understanding the statistics you are posting

unfortunately I was not the one claiming that it is unimportant, nor that privacy was unimportant (???), that was you
you seem to care about privacy, and I do have things to hide. but you claim that only fringe people care about csam, so why do you care if it is banned?

fuck you don't compare me to the horse fucker

obviously you have resentment about the fact that japan is not this special evil pedophile nation you project them as and get passive agressive when questioned.

>the statistic only proves that some crimes were more often reported in europe.
no proof that it's less reported in japan, this is just empty speculation for the data not backing your claim.
> it doesn't prove that abuse isn't widespread and unreported in japan.
but proves that europe, a region that don't do the things you hate, is much more likely to consume and produce csam and thus more likely to molest children, as you can see it says 62% of all csam in the world comes from there.
>you are throwing numbers around to deny reality without even understanding the statistics you are posting
you just ignoring information that don't comform to your narrative, typical for internet opinion cultists.

i watched the whole of densha otoko fucker

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>unfortunately I was not the one claiming that it is unimportant, nor that privacy was unimportant
you did not get it or is being dishonest, your argument just boil at pulling at the heartstrings to justify policing like the US does in their war against terrorism mass surveilance.
>but you claim that only fringe people care about csam, so why do you care if it is banned?
correct, only a fringe group of twitter addicts care about drawn "CP", real combatants against child exploitation don't waste time with fiction, or try to make up some idiotic fanfiction about other nations based on resentment of said fiction.

>my work

>is much more likely to consume and produce
it only shows that such things were more reported there and without even adjusting per-capita, not that it conclusively happens more often. don't look up what was the original purpose of japanese imageboards

>only a fringe group of twitter addicts care about drawn "CP"

then why do you care if it is banned? besides, this entire discussion comes from your reaction to the japanese communist party program against csam, are they "making up some idiotic fanfiction about other nations based on resentment of said fiction"?

i bet i can find everything on japanese tv on an adam sandler film.

loli isn't csam bro

ok so you're just racist, got it

look guys i understand a drawing of a fictional child being raped is not the same as a picture of a real child being raped but what you have to keep in mind is that jerking off to drawings of fictional children being raped is really concerning to people outside your internet bubble, you should probably look into stopping this habit
that's all i wanted to say, i hope this is not too controversial or offensive

Why are you people bringing this shit up in a thread about adult the JCP not liking sexy adult characters and all porn? >>25928

>adult characters
have you read the actual jcp line or are you taking bourgeois tabloids at face value?

why do I ask? I already know the answer

>it only shows that such things were more reported there and without even adjusting per-capita, not that it conclusively happens more often.
all crime is underreported, but the lack of information from other regions are not blank cards for assertions about a region, you can do the same for any country on the world, but the fact that majority of all cp verified comes from europe means something with a back up data than the nothing you propose about japan.
>and without even adjusting per-capita
by using your logic i could just say europe under report their actual cases of cp and the fact that many of their nations have very low ages of concent means its legalized thus not reported correctly, but i'm not this type of person and say you need to find japan's actual cases of csam per capta.

>then why do you care if it is banned?

same reason i don't want any other internet fetish, even the ones i don't like or find disgusting, they are not real so is just getting mad at pixels, no different than the neocons getting mad at gta, i prefer to not waste my time with such control freakness.
>besides, this entire discussion comes from your reaction to the japanese communist party program against csam, are they "making up some idiotic fanfiction about other nations based on resentment of said fiction"?
in that case it's just the case of national parties being retarded, no different than the communist party of russia spreading antivax nonsense.
being a party, or naming yourself communist is meaningless, the program is the indicator of behavior, and what is the difference between this program of getting mad at gays kisses and nudity in media by conservatists to "protect the children" that happens everywhere ?.

The post you're replying to already linked you to another post with the JCP's statement where they say their intention is to ban sexual contracts, pertaining to JAV.
<The supplementary provisions of the law stipulate that the scope of the clause invalidating the contract shall be reviewed and necessary measures taken within two years after enforcement. The Japanese Communist Party will do its best to expand public opinion and movement toward banning contracts, including sexual intercourse, and to lead to further discussions on reconsideration.
<Putting someone into actual sexual intercourse for a price is damaging to an individual's dignity. In preparation for a two-year review of the AV Performance Damage Prevention and Relief Act, we will proceed with the development of laws that directly regulate AV that involves actual sexual intercourse.

>but i'm not this type of person
you mean you don't care about critically assessing the statistics you like to throw around?

>getting mad at pixels

it is not about emotions. the consequences these contents produce are real, see >>>/anime/25966
some types of fraud for example could be described as pixels on a screen too. it doesn't matter

>what's the difference between culture war circus and actual social policies?

you are so much smarter than those dumb national parties my neurons are dying

>Moral crusader fags continually calling loli 'CSAM' to try shift the goalposts


Jesus Christ why are we even taking about loli then?????

how is it possible to look at a post defending loli right above my post and still ask this question?
i'd ask if you're retarded but i think a better one would be to ask how retarded you are

That's what I was asking. It's the moral crusaders who fucking brought it up. (JCP made some statement about that shit at some point in the past).


uygha you started arguing about it knowing that people would disagree with you.

I'm sure the JAV industry workers will be very happy if they have to go work 20 hours a day as a pencil pusher instead. If they can even get jobs at all.

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>women are good for sex and office jobs
porn is rotting your brain and you've already developed misogyny
i'm glad the communist party in japan has the correct line

All these threads devolve into loli porn debates

I must be the rare fuck that is against all forms of porn with real human beings (even adult porn, pornhub and shit should get shut down) but fine with all types of fictional porn. What I dislike however is fetish shit worming its way into non-porn stuff. Whenever an anime suddenly gets a "loli" character (which is not the same as just a normal kid character) I just drop it, they should keep that shit to their weirdo dojinshi spaces.

Its also part of the reason I hate animaniacs and all that old warner stuff, its filled with weirdo fetish shit like inflation and tickling. So gross.

no, i get you, except the worming into non porn part, when it happens i just don't care, don't get mad when it don't happen however.

Finally, JCP stopped acting like boomers, animemisia is a spook.

Still not seeing many anarcho-weeblets around sadly. No political soulmates to share my love for anime with… :(

Didn't pay attention to the picrel at first but at the second look it seems like they went full boomer. They shou|d rename themselves into Japanese Conservative Party. Because all they focus on is conservative policies now.

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>Whenever an anime suddenly gets a "loli" character (which is not the same as just a normal kid character) I just drop it, they should keep that shit to their weirdo dojinshi spaces.
Real. Like there's always a weird infantilization to it when it's lolisho stuff.

>>women are good for sex and office jobs
I think anon's point was more that if you were a porn actor you might have trouble finding employment elsewhere. They didn't mention anybody's gender. Obviously there's male and female JAV performers.

You should watch this interview with Shibuya Kaho. She is this Japanese pornstar that retired and made a shift into streaming. She was a working sports reporter for a major newspaper before she became a pornstar. I think in the West everyone likes to imagine that every female pornstar entered into the industry because they were brainwashed by evil men or something, but the more obvious explanation is people who get involved in that kind of thing are what we'd call "perverts." I also notice too she speaks almost entirely positively about her experience in the industry, whereas in America, it's like you must denounce the career you gained fame off of and become born again if you want to reenter respectable society.

It's still the most socially liberal party pushing pro lgbt policies and trans candidates

Trans and prude is a strange mix. It seems in the West the strategy for trans and LGBT promotion has been the libertine direction.

I mean, no one is able to prove that there isn't a tea pot orbiting the earth either. To demand proof of something not being the case is absurd if one doesn't even have any positive proof either

Tangental, but I think it'd be funny to just put a teapot in orbit to recontextualize every instance someone's said that.

That's the neat part. Someone already did, and you can't prove they didn't.

>It seems in the West the strategy for trans and LGBT promotion has been the libertine direction.
Nah, the American feminists are turning back to socially conservative policies like banning porn for example. The only major libertine American party is the Libertarian Party, and it barely gets any votes. The only reason that the Pubs and the Dems aren't as censorious is because the more censorious factions within them (like the Christian right and Hillary Clinton) can't actually get elected. The same as with JCP funnily enough.

I think putting a teapot on the Jupiter's orbit will require a lot of resources. And why would the government hide this? It's just a teapot. 😜

It's one thing to talk about anime porn, but JAV is extremely exploitative and like literally everyone knows this. Just because one person said they didn't have that experience doesn't mean it isn't underage sex trafficking for many.

I just like that their tits are huge to a fictional degree. No way to experience such honkers irl.

>huge to a fictional degree
They're not even as big as Hitomi Tanaka's tits, wdym?

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