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This 1st chapter for new manga came out and it has certainly made a impression on western anime fandom. They are claiming it is racist, xenophobic, etc. And honestly, I can see it, with the characters saying some similar language to said people. But someone also brought up as an anti-west or anti-colonialist themes, with them being against the occupation of their planet. Ultimately, its barley 1 chapter out, so I don't want to judge it just on this

Too early to talk, but I will say that the community that has formed around it is already rancid. I also don’t think this one will be published for too long, it just doesn’t seem like it really appeals to the shonen audience.

So far it's the very boring execution of a kinda boring but potentially workable premise.

what manga

what are you even talking about

This manga that has come out from Jump Magazine

>Japanese comic possibly has xenophobic and racist content
Damn never seen this before

aliens would never be porky

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>In 1915, there were just 60,000 Jews in Palestine. In 1948, it rose to 750,000 Jews. In that same year, 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homeland.
4Chud /pol/ says this series is anti-semitic

It's obviously regarding the kurds issue, seen so many big mangaka crying about the overblown issue. The whole car scene with the alien getting away with crime is a Japanese right-winger talking point with kurds having access to cars and crashing them, supposed mass crime and gangs, and believing the media is covering for them. Still, I have to imagine the manga mellowing out eventually.

Shonen Jump has had plenty of manga with anti-xenophobic messaging, even early on. It's a heel turn kinda.

>They are claiming it is racist, xenophobic, etc. And honestly, I can see it, with the characters saying some similar language to said people.
<But someone also brought up as an anti-west or anti-colonialist themes, with them being against the occupation of their planet.
lol outrage bait is so effective because retards like you will eat up anything other idiots say

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just checked it out and it’s pretty blatantly about an occupation struggle. its shonen, so it obviously cant push the boundaries too hard, but i like the recent edge trend weve been seeing. very fitting for western libs to overlook that and only focus on the identity stuff. i do miss when people just didnt read something they didnt like as opposed to making it everyone’s problem.

Woke manga

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anti-posadist garbage

>anti-posadist garbage
if ture sad
don't bully posadist gang :^C

>The whole car scene with the alien getting away with crime is a Japanese right-winger talking point with kurds having access to cars and crashing them, supposed mass crime and gangs, and believing the media is covering for them
Or it's a reference to American soldiers getting away with fatal hit-and-runs in Okinawa which has happened multiple times.
Ultimately none of us can tell what's going on in the mangaka's head, but I guess it's fair to say that if you write a story trying to communicate something (seems to clearly be the case here) but the audience has zero idea of what you're trying to say you probably fucked up somewhere.

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