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Am I overreacting if I just got irrationally angry when watching Youtube Poop (YTP) when in the middle of the YTP, Stalin appears and sends main characters to do forced labor, and then there is a "dark humour gulag forced labor montage" but the soundtrack used is music from THIS Simpsons couch gag?

be chill don’t be upset at dumb stuff

Nah you are not weird, propaganda is propaganda, make the same joke about child labour currently happening in the US and the comment section would be full of copers and seethers.

Maybe you're overreacting but I get annoyed by liberal retardation as well. I just find dumb people pretending to be educated very obnoxious, no matter if it's political or not. Most burgers haven't done actual research on the USSR and I wish they'd just be honest about it rather than posture being politically educated

Define child labor.
Teens working part time jobs for pocket money doesn't count

Tbh most propaganda is just that.
Virtue signalling or exaggerating any perceived slights

>children doing labor doesn't count when I don't want it to

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Ok and?
We're they worked more than fifteen hours a week?
This wasn't so uncommon even in recent history up until the 1970s.

>child labor isn't a problem as long as they're exploited only x hours per week

Why are leftists so butthurt about kids having after school jobs but are ok with public schooling despite the excess student:teacher ratio, bullying, drugs, rape, etc?

Who says "leftists" are okay with this?

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