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>one of the only openly pro-communist manga
>fan translators dropped it halfway through
Making this thread just to shed some light on it


Can you tell me more about it?


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It's a whimsical take on ww2 featuring characters from Russian folklore.
here's the author's (Hayami Rasenjin) website


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It appears I was mistaken and the manga eventually did get fully scanned and translated by fans since i last checked
Hopefully some of his other works get translated too, seems like he did a lot of art for scale model magazines (which are still pretty popular in japan)


That sounds great do you have a link or smth


Those characters in the background are so cuuute
One of the best cutesy representations of those people I've ever seen


They are indeed pretty goodtankieTankie



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I wonder if there's an anarchist manga


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Healthy reminder that War's Unwomanly Face is actively getting translated: https://mangadex.org/title/36625/war-s-unwomanly-face


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Also, Rainbow Trotsky translations when; Inui & Tatsum translations when? Yoshikazu Yasuhiko needs more attention outside of Gundam and Venus Wars.



>Author is a sovietaboo


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After knowing about it for ten years, I finally read and finished this manga several months ago and it's probably one of the best I've read in a while.
>NKVD agent sent out to draft a witch girl for the war
>Girl is obviously meant to be Vasilisa from the Baba Yaga stories
>Meet creatures and figures from Slavic and Orthodox folklore
>Chapters in the tankobon end with autistic detail and ramblings of Soviet tech, from calculators to space satellites, or other things like steampunk tech, history of certain tech, to Soviet female soldiers. Sadly not all of those were translated or scanned.
>Killing Nazis(people who anime/manga rather jerk off) and getting chased by a Nazi witch bitch
You can really tell this guy was in love with everything he put into this series. Everything thing from the creatures to the soldiers and their equipment is draw in a cute way I love.
I'm in love with the series, I enjoy the settings and how it mixed myth, religious, with Soviet history, a game or more material in it would've been nice. An anime is long out of the question considering current events. It's already not easy to talk about since weebs are Nazi sympathizers who only care about the Nazi witch bitch jobber and get violently angry at anything that paints communist in a positive light.
But as the author said
>It'd be sad if the war went on forever, after all.



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I just noticed this thread is so old that's from before it was fully translated yet


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Pic related was the author's comiket booth iirc


Ah the online communist tradition of never ironing your flags.


A lot of flags these days use synthetic fabric so im not sure they can be ironed?


You should get a steam iron, they're pretty nice.


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>I'm in love with the series, I enjoy the settings and how it mixed myth, religious, with Soviet history, a game or more material in it would've been nice.
Too add, I remember going to my local comic shop years ago, and finding his art on a card game called Barbarossa.
He also did work on some Japanese only tabletop games like Meikyuu Kingdom, so he's pretty familiar with /tg/ material.


Haven't read it but apparently Golden Kamui has some anarchist themes (see the respective thread)


He's the source of this genderswapped Lenin you might see now and then
And that pic of yours is from a travel log he did on Russia, have a better version


How can a single man be so based


these cheap flags melt anyway


was gonna say it looks like they had it printed at one of those aliexpress vendors. the hsmsic is weirdly shaped; doesn't look like any of the historically used examples either


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Some men just are. Even more impressive considering how otaku tend to flow the opposite way
Also the cover for what I think is a follow up for that travel log of his


bump we need more commie mangas


Seconding this



hayami rasenjin is such a cool fucking name


>one of the only openly pro-communist manga
It's not. it has soviet aesthetics fetishism, but nothing more than that. In chapter 2 or 3 they almost literally recreated the scenes from "Enemies at the gates" where soviet
command sends wave after wave of soldiers on german machine guns. Fuck that shit.

I hate sovietaboos worse than most anticommunists


A manga whit Max Stirner , Nestor Machkno and Renzo wuld be cool asf Ngl


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Don't be a stick up the ass, the guy still clearly loves Soviet history and does his research and you know deep down he admires a planned economy and running over Nazis. He has these long rants and diagrams at the end of chapters where he'll say "well yeah the Soviets I disavow, I disavow BUT", and then starts creaming over how they landed on Venus.
We need a bit more of that kind plausible deniability and normalization after years of "VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM" propaganda and the opposite being common for the Nazis.
After years of just blatant and uncirtical Nazi fetishism or sympathetic characters paired up with pantless loli Imperial Japanese officers and "I just like the uniforms uwu", he's a breath of fresh air. Obviously we shouldn't go to Strike Witches levels, but this isn't that.


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Closest I found is this, the artist of which apparently drew for a left-wing magazine, and now I realize it's the same guy that made Marx Girl




>Obviously we shouldn't go to Strike Witches levels
why not?


I believe so
Strike Witches is just very asinine with asses in your face all the time, despite me having enjoying ii at times and the magical alt-history setting. I think a better comparison is KanColle. There's a cringe boundary crossed when fascination and appreciation reaches mindless otaku consumerism that I wouldn't want to most historical leftists projects become.


it's not Kancolle.


> the guy still clearly loves Soviet history and does his research
No, he doesn't, or he wouldn't perpetrate most blatant anticommunist myths. That's not what "does his research" looks like.


Not everything is gonna be perfect or flawless brother, they're not all immune to propaganda. I've seen actual scholars fall for simple mistakes on various different subjects.
This manga ended ten years ago and >>15951 pic on the left was recent as last December, I wouldn't be surprised if he kept learning more as time went on.


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he's against russia in the russo-ukranian war, but he seems to be a leftist
i'm glad he makes manga outside of the usual wehraboo and rightoid shittery because i really like his artstyle


Not your fucking brother. Also, it's not about "perfect", you are eating typical rightoid cold war shitty propaganda and calling it "communist"

>a leftist
Not an actual thing.

>usual wehraboo and rightoid shittery

It is usual rightoid shittery with plots straight out from "Enemy at the gate". They only difference is soviet aesthetics fetishism, but he is actually pretty crap about it too.


>Not an actual thing.
take your meds
>It is usual rightoid shittery with plots straight out from "Enemy at the gate". They only difference is soviet aesthetics fetishism, but he is actually pretty crap about it too.
lmao i don't care about muh enemy at the gaytes, it's how history is taught literally everywhere, anyone could make those mistakes


>anyone could make those mistakes
The claim was that he is pro-communist and does his research. If he describes WWII exactly as porky propaganda describes it, then neither is true, isn't it?
>take your meds
Already took them. The red (as in communist) pill. Left is an ubiquitous term, which doesn't really mean anything since even democratic party of the burgerstan calls themself such. So him calling himself a lefty doesn't really tell us anything of value about his actual views.


>he's against russia in the russo-ukranian war, but he seems to be a leftist
I got this from his twitter back in March, seems like he was even in Russia during it
>i'm glad he makes manga outside of the usual wehraboo and rightoid shittery because i really like his artstyle
Yeah, the bitching ITT is why the genocidal empire is seen as cute and quirky anime fodder while the soviets are still seen as "too far" by some cucks
The guy himself seems to be into history in general


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>It is usual rightoid shittery with plots straight out from "Enemy at the gate"
The Soviets are depicted sympathetic and more human with some typical stereotypes while the Nazis are generally more generally cartoonish villains, including the elf bitch. One of the main characters is a Jewish atheist, I'm not the one who thinks the creator is some hardened leftist, it's usually hard to tell, but I wouldn't call this "rightoid shittery".
This case of puritanism is interesting because you don't really see it in the opposite case. In Hellsing the Nazis are depicted as literal psychotic vampires but that never stops rightoids from adopting it


Very underrated thread and manga, even if it uses Soviet aesthetics in partiality for LARP aesthetics.


>kutsuzure sensen
The art design for this small series reminds me of Jmantime's style of illustration.
Edit: forgot the fuckin' image

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