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File: 1620335585891.jpg (57.1 KB, 640x427, Penguindrum-TOP.jpg)


I'm like a month late but a Mawaru Penguindrum movie was announced that's going to recap the 24 ep series. What are your thoughts on Penguindrum and Ikuhara's works in general?

Ikuhara is a genius, Penguindrum is good but Utena is still my favorite.

It makes me want to boot up Linux.


Utena and some of the Sailor Moon seasons directed were good.

What makes Utena good? I gave it 4 episodes and it was painfully boring.

I watched the first 15 episodes or so.
To me it was not boring, but not particularly interesting either, hence I stopped watching some time ago.
I believe you need to appreciate it in an artistic sense, especially with its reuse of scenes to establish some kind of symmetry.

Utena is better on rewatches, frankly, because one has the later plot knowledge to catch those parts which on that first time often get overlooked. It also has some shoujo allusions for those know, which also quite funny.

When will this movie come out?

Is this gonna be a Utena situation where Himari turns into a fucking car now or some shit lmao

Reading some news articles from July it looks like it's now a 2-part movie which is set to release sometime in 2022

File: 1649086028418.png (Spoiler Image,73.8 KB, 486x498, 1645346837220.png)

So this picture was posted in a different thread but it seemed to give off vibes of Shoujo Kakumei Utena, and since there is no specific Utena thread yet, over here it shall be dropped.

An interesting take on the problem Lenin addressed as (bourg) infantilism. I tink Adorno also speaks of it in Society of the Spectacle.

I watched the Re:cycle, it was good but if I had not seen the original series there's no way I would have understood any of it.

I dont understand what is the pic trying to say.

Logo is pseudointellectual and should be ignored.

>Society of the Spectacle
Wrong writer, dude.

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