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Share your favourite ones preferably with Karaoke style subtitles to sing along with


I'll explain why I like each one

1st) The first one because it's very deep and cool. The struggle between two sides and which one he should go with.

"Either destroy myself or destroy everything else" and "For the sake of justice destroy, all evil right now" are two very badass lines innit

2nd) The second is just a fun bop song about dancing to you're heart's instincts. But I feel like someone told me it had a darker meaning and it was the ED for the edgiest saga in the series Black Saga so idk. I think it's just cheery.

3rd) The third one is a self-reflectional song about how far you've come along from being a little boy but also is a generational song about the son family? I find it as a nice, positive and self-affirming song about one's journey to the end. Being a kid to raising a kid. (Also goten should never grow up, We need cuteku to stay in the franchise)


File: 1666938048531-0.mp4 (31.85 MB, 1920x1080, ghost stores.mp4)

File: 1666938048531-1.mp4 (40.12 MB, 1920x1080, 2.mp4)

My fav lyrics:
Even though I'm lonely
How often I have been shy to say
I want you to pay attention to me?
Living my life nervously, I don't want a life like that!

>I miss you, I miss you

>I need you, I need you
>Sexy, Sexy


Number 1. factor for my enjoyment of anime OP is how hype the song is, number 2. how pretty the visual.
Drifters opening would probably be my favorite, followed by Stone Ocean. Code Geass mostly out of nostalgia. And in Dragon Ball Super one I actually like lyrics.
>The door of possibility is still locked
>Oh well, I'll break through the wall again
>Now! Shoot past the limit
>Shout" It is a piece of cake!"
>The invincible me is waiting there


I've not watched the new Jojo's but that's so insanely pretty wow

It's like they hired everyone in anime to make that
And it's true, an OP is sometimes how I decided to watch or not, an anime

It's not the perfect indicator but it tells

>Oh well, I'll break through the wall again

>Now! Shoot past the limit
I love that line, Everyone finds DB inspirational

I remember when they finally changed the OP after so many arcs for ToP saga and everyone was happy
Have not seen Drifters and Code Geass


There's also this series, called "What's in an OP?" that I once watched that seeks to analyze the lyrics according to the show


Does anyone know how songs are sourced for anime? Do the artists have any choice in it?

I must wonder how they must feel their songs turned into basically themes for sunday cartoons


Evangelion theme. I dunno about the lyrics. They're in Japanese, they never meant anything to me. I just like the chune.


FLCL end credits. Just the emotion and the sound. The lyrics are Engrish nonsense.


>Ride on shooting sta-ar!





File: 1667568861112.mp4 (5.97 MB, 1920x1080, 12.mp4)

i love this technique they're using in the new chainsaw man anime

what do you think it is? the stop motion

it's nice pumpy, sounds like an afternoon superhero cartoon

i've heard that ending sound, never realized it was from this show

>video blocked on copyright grounds
capitalism is an enemy of art

sensual and cute

what are the lyrics saying?

why does she have underwear on her face, this looks insane


> what are the lyrics saying?
That it's not her fault that she is not popular.

> why does she have underwear on her face

She's an erotic terrorist working to reintroduce lewdness to a boring world where the concept of dirty jokes does not exist.



I just realized I was going to post the same music I do every single time so I will try to branch out.

Also anyone remember this show? Its like a prequel to this hentai / hard hard ecchi manga with the same name, its actually got a pretty good plot which unironically kept me reading.


>Mother's Basement
lol I remember watching this guy years ago, I always commented on his videos that his taste was trash. Though I used to be a big digibro fan mainly, I always used to argue with him in the comments on loads of videos since I was an elitist poser and I would tell him to watch Ideon but he would say that it seemed to boring and I called him a casual despite having watched 1% of the anime he did. Good times. Anyone know what happened with her post transition? I heard somewhere her girlfriend broke up with her but IDK.


>capitalism is an enemy of art


>what do you think it is?
it's 3D models posing that then get surimposed by their moving versions in post editing (with a shot of light to make sure no changes get noticed,no matter how small) I also think the opening really feels out of place from the feeling of dark/punk fantasy of the manga,with mostly being a work of art purely made for the director himself (especially the various easter egg to other pop culture reference) rather than something cohesive with the original media.



Oh I realized OP probably wanted the full OP/ED and not just the song… >_<


Im gonna post some OPs that are way too good for their respective show
Baki is a fun anime, but that OP hypes you too much for kind of disappointing arc.
Mirai Nikki has amazing opening, both visually and auditorily, however the show is a mess.
Watamotes is way too much slice of live nothing for opening like that.
Mazinkaiser OP sets you up for heavy metal madness, but anime itself is completely forgettable.
As for Goblin Slayer, any opening would be too good for something devoid of redeeming qualities.

Damn that is beautiful animation, that clip made me give Chainsaw Man a try.


Don't you get adrenaline flooding in every time Tomoko is in a social situation?


Its way too over the top and comedic for my taste. Conceptually, a show about this insecurity ridden outcast trying to break through could be very interesting, but it needs to be more introspective, psychological.


File: 1667678284350.webm (19.37 MB, 1280x720, yns.webm)


Also blocked.
Might as well upload it here.
And as a side note: if you have troubles with a yt video you can always copy the "watch?v=[string]" part of it and paste it on a individious instance to see if it works. Or just use a extension/app.


File: 1667710078609.webm (33.55 MB, 1920x1080, AliceToZouroku-ED1.webm)


File: 1667711190547.webm (57.3 MB, 1920x1080, Fractale-ED2.webm)


File: 1667711471689.webm (16.39 MB, 1024x576, SoRaNoWoTo-OP1.webm)

i like relaxing songs


I wish the whole anime looked like the OP.


? does it not


File: 1679412621810.png (1.08 MB, 1400x700, ClipboardImage.png)

what is the best anime opening, and why is it naruto blue bird


Enough with good openings, lets change the subject to bad ones. The kind that immediately telegraphs the show is going to be garbage, thus sparing you wasting time watching it.


Almost every Naruto OP and ED was a banger


Closest thread for this I could find
>8-bit Music Theory
>How Cynthia's Theme Terrorized a Generation


Unique IPs: 20

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