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File: 1621733450158.png (556.24 KB, 425x600, 1584508935870.png)


Man this feels like a 2000s anime in a good way.
I also checked the manga to get some more and the author is a god of pacing. Lots of development for a huge cast without feeling dragged out. Good shit.

Dumb, boring, predictable and very stretched out

How so?

Give me a short summary of the story
and tell me why i should watch it

thought it sucked a lotaccelerationAcceleration


I only started watching it thanks to the 10 foot tall love interest but it grew on me, it's, dare I say it, wholesome and fun

Boy gets sold to a Devil Lord by his parents to be adopted as the devils grandson. Gets taken to hell and goes to Devil School and has to hide the fact that he's human and ends up proving himself to everyone. It's a lot of fun and is pretty easy to watch.

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Welcome to Demon School Iruma feels like a crossover of DxD and BnHA with a blue haired Izuku*… except it's actually more interesting than BnHA and is comparable to DxD in Demon Hell world building (or maybe better).

*Green is a favorite color and Izuku being kinda lame as a shonen protag is annoying as fuck because he's green as fuck.

>god of pacing
He's also really good at setting things up and having them pay off, even if later.

>like a 2000s anime in a good way.
Honestly true, rewatch some of the old 2000s anime and you get the same vibes.

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>thanks to the 10 foot tall love interest
Ah yes, I too like mini-giantess

Low budget, low effort, infantile source material. Perfect for fulminating fujos and for the 12-14 year olds this show is intended for. Me myself? I prefer comedy that is actually funny. But that's the thing with comedy, it's just a matter of laughs per joke. I'm too old for this. But apparently this is considered perfect pacing.


>Low budget, low effort, infantile source material
it' a light SoL series that has an interesting twist, for the genre its in, I found it rather good
I think the manga may be more in your interest, that looks like filler.

You aren't old, you're just too 4chanbrained.

I was actually describing the manga literally a line above the one where you recommended me to read the manga. That says something about the type of infantile goldfish mindset one needs to be in in order to find any of it funny.

I just picked a random video showing off the supposed amazing animation.
As for the whole filler argument. The entire manga is filler. The entire story has no purpose. Saying filler is bad whilst OP was applauding just how 2000s it made her feel is somewhat contradictory.

Also legit criticism is not dismissed by putting up a summary of the plot. That's not how conversations go. Did I ask for a summary of something I've already dismissed? Obviously not. I can open wikipedia for that.

>That's not how conversations go.
says the guy making the most insufferable posts around

Maybe you should stop shouting bullshit and be more invested in what you put down so people wouldn't have to call you out on your hypocrisy and emotional attacks.

>a random video showing off the supposed amazing animation
I don't think anyone ITT claimed it ahs good animation
>The entire story has no purpose
Yeah at this point you're not making an argument, you're just making claims that are blatantly inaccurate. I'm not claiming it to be the story of the century, but saying it has no purpose is bad faith nonsense
>OP was applauding just how 2000s it made her feel
??? DId you copy-paste this or are you just 4channed? How is that a criticism.
>legit criticism is not dismissed by putting up a summary of the plot.
You didn't provide legitimate criticism, just opinionated statements.
>I can open wikipedia for that.
No wonder you're such a toxic personality.

Years late for this but:
This all sounds nonsensical. The clips you post do not demonstrate infantilism. A lack of some budget perhaps, but considering that it's a fairly obscure manga that makes sense, especially as this isn't uncommon in anime in general.
As for "fujos" I really don't get that, since the prime love interest is a strong amazonian girl, and only a fujo could perceive something else from the characters.

>Theres already 2 spin-offs to Iruma-kun.
The mangaka is really doing well, I'm surprised the series isn't more popular tbh considering how it balances fluff with actual interesting devil shit.

I used to keep up with this but I stopped a year ago, anyone know what the story is at now? Has Iruma finally revealed his humanity to his friends yet or what?

>Slice Of Life is infantile because it doesmt involve edgy adult males making random edgy jokes or thinking nihilistic poetry


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