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More specifically Moe


Because only Japanese media directly appeals to lolicon(pedo) sensibilities these days.


Are there that many more into it than other subcultures? I guess if we throw lolicons and shotacons into the mix you could argue there are a lot more openly pedophile people into it. I'm not 100% sure those groups are entirely pedophiles though.


Pedophilia is commonplace in much if not most anime, there is probably also a component of stunted development common in some otaku and pedophiles as well

lolicon and shotacon are just animated depictions of sexualised children. Anyone that claims otherwise is lying




Moral panics belong on /leftypol/ or /b/.


even kinda wholesome series like Wonder Egg Priorities have nude and upskirt shots of 14yo girls, so uhhh

I love anime as a medium but I just despise the objectification of women and pedoshit all over it


This shouldn't be bumplocked, TBF.


It should either remain permasaged or get moved to /b/, I'm tired of threads about people whining about "pedophilia" (drawings).


I feel like the ship sailed on this decades ago and people should just get over it. Anime has questionable depictions of underage characters, but they aren't real and Japan has already more or less decided to tolerate it.



The famed Rafiq of the defunct forum revLeft had saidonce that to have real, romantic attraction to nonadult, nonhuman objects is pathological, and that is essentially what pedos and the sincere anime waifufags have incommon.


>think of le heckin underage drawings!!!
kill yourself, all this fervor could be redirected to actual child abuse cases and yall still whine for pixels instead


Death to America


it's typically a deflection tactic from their own sus behavior.


Pedofilia is common, but not as much as you think, a lot these depictions are of non pedofilic infantilized adult fantasies. You see the life of your average Japanese guy ends after college, work conditions are so bad that you become a corporate zombi who can sometimes consume some treats, and thus the studios end up trying to appeal to people who really badly want to be 12 again, to relieve themselves of their suffering, and this is what a lot of these shows are. Shit like Nisekoi, and a lot of highschool shows portray a fictionalized return to adolescence, where people can relieve the good life they never had as teenagers, so shit like panty shots in that type of show are less pedofilic than simply part of the fantasy, a world back in highschool away from work, where you can totally have lots of girls, and they flash their panties at you, but naturally when you do this, a lot of pedofiles begin to feel validated and instead of being into the return to innocence fantasy, they get into the literal depictions of children's panties, and this gets fed back into production creating shit just to appeal to them


>high schoolers are children


>Anime mc's are usually underage
>Pedos like underage people
>Anime usually uses lewd art to raise the chances of profit
You do the math


>pedo is when lower than arbitrary number


>relieve the good life they never had as teenagers
this is why sol anime used to make me seethe when i was in high school btw. my life was getting mogged by cartoons


Dunno, ask the pedos that made and make picks of our mascot, they must be around still.


Not pedophilia Amerifat


imageboards are 16 year olds calling each other pedophiles for liking people their age


>Death to America
We must not forget the historical material conditions like the satanic empire shifting Japan from being a soulless fascist death cult into a neoliberal "post-fascist" soulless fascist death cult. Why did so many MIT/Harvard redditors soyface at the ideology of Jeffrey Epstein? You already know why


I mean that's just one guy tho. I always just read her as a short adult. Like at least mid 20's.

Tic tac toe on Alunya forehead


>uhhh, it's aktually hebephilia.
oh wow, sure makes it better.
>you are a amerifat
no just correct, fuck off to your pedophiliac nation that is okay with minors having sex with adults.

>I mean that's just one guy tho
9/10 artists depict her that way, with leftypollers being mostly okay with it
>I always just read her as a short adult. Like at least mid 20's.
Short adults don't look like teen pedobait, which is how she is always depicted in both normal and porn here.


I don't see what you're seeing. This is an adult woman.


only the third looks like a woman, the rest look like teens.


Go outside, perceive adults in public spaces. Short people aren't rare.


again, short people don't look like teenagers, unlike in the pics you posted with the exception of One.
it does not matter if she is short or flat or if she has some adult cannon age, she is painted exclusively to look like an young teen and evoke as such.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - REALLY BAD TROLLING)


You are clearly baiting.
Stop bumping their bait.


The only reason why you can only see the third one as a teenager is because of the cigarette and the colors scheme is so rarely used for media made for children. There is no argument to made from your comment that the 3rd one is the only one that's an adult out of all of these.

How about you chris hansen wannabes come out and admit it – just as if you stare at the color red for so long anything that contains that color will "scream" out at you – you've seen so much child porn that anything that is not completely connected to an adult is automatically child like.

Not either of those two posters, but yeah we should stop doing this. Baseless pedophilia calling should just be a ban able offense


>You are talking something i don't agree
>You must be baiting !
No, just don't like pedophilia.


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> third one as a teenager is because of the cigarette
Her body proportions are adult compared to every other one
also the last one where she is blowing smoke at the leftypoller projection don't look like an adult, because doing things associated with adulthood and drinking alcohol don't change the characters appearance.
> the colors scheme is so rarely used for media made for children
Honestly when you put this way, i agree, it is the least animelike of them all, and as the link given by >>16015 shows anime is inheritely a pedophiliac media that is made by and for pedophiles on a nation that is a global distribuitor of drawn CP, that is why the connection in a normal person's head.
>How about you chris hansen wannabes come out and admit it
Chris Hansen Tolerates drawn pedophilia, i'm never gonna be an wannabe of a pedophile, fuck off.
>you've seen so much child porn that anything that is not completely connected to an adult is automatically child like.
first part is a deflection calling me a pedo in hopes to defend the pedobait character, the second part ignores that she DO looks like a teen in most of her depictions, and that makes it an agreed upon view of said character's appearance.


>more specifically moe
What? How is liking cute women pedophilic? Lolicon and token loli are a different subject matter altogether. Token loli are probably the result of lolicon and shoujo bleeding into the mainstream. Maybe they are the cause, I dunno. But your average Naruto or One Piece fan? Complete normie. Even those who have a favorite moekko waifu are probably regular cishets or lesbians, just liking more feminine characters because they're adorable or make them cry or whatever.


Moeshit "adults" constitute the most pedophile form of anime because real-ass adult women have folds in their brains.


>Moeshit "adults" constitute the most pedophile form of anime because real-ass adult women have folds in their brains.
x to doubt when woman are so inserted into moe, Write shit like this and how many simp for lolishit for gays femboys


<Uh l-look o-over there! Perverted women!
How did you come to think that would be mistaken by even the most busy skim readers for an actual argument?


>most pedophile form of anime
>lolis exist
You are legit delusional.


>the claim that woman don't get involved with moe and pedo shit because their brains have folds
>Post two cases that shows otherwise
>Have no argument other than rewrite stuttering to make their non argument look better.
incredible how no one would look at the asswipe of a counter-argument you posted and would be convinced of something.


>complaints about rewrites
>rewrites post to optimize being mad
The original claim in >>20445 was about the characters in Anime.


Your article is gone.

I guess the pedophilia who wrote the article realized that getting mad at drawings and realized themself it was stupid.


incredible that leftypol has been having moral panics over drawings for several years already


No, its mostly vicenarians and tricenarians whom are too obsesses with their childhood cukture being "ruined" and unfulfilled teenage ventures.


Why does any fictiin depicting children/teens as main characters is always automatically called "pedophikia bait" or "unrelatable to proper adults"?


>This is an adult woman.
99% of Alunya images depicts her as a little kid and drawn as one since the first design


She's drawn as a short woman, one of the earliest designs of her aged at like 20


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>depicts her as a little kid


>She's drawn as a short woman
>short woman
she depicted as a kid for years /get/fags.

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