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File: 1623670551511.jpg (96.15 KB, 1280x720, 1623661872221.jpg)


Mangadex is finally back but now they've got a full-JS UI, god damn it.
Is it really so hard to make websites that still work with javascript disabled?


As a marxist, you should be pro-js. As a code monkey, it is so much better when we get to use modern tech on a project.

It makes me think that the prole life is still worth it.


File: 1623671290605.gif (3.38 MB, 310x310, 1591832030266.gif)



Yikes, now that's one hideous fucking user interface "upgrade". Guess I'll be mooching off some other manga site now.


I spent 3 minutes figuring out where chapters were now located. All they had to do was make the website more secure after getting hacked, not change the whole design for fuck's sake. Also uploading is still disabled LOL


I don't understand why they didn't just make it read-only from the beginning.


How are you supposed to add new stuff if it's read-only?
It's fucking shit. We waited more than a month for this crap and we still gotta wait.


what are the best takyomi extensions to browse mangas with

what are the best manga sites on f-droids manga app


I thought this was the most relevant thread to share.

Look at these cucks and laugh.


I don't read a lot of manga, but quite a lot of the manga i was looking for was on mangasee


Yeah, this is just pathetic


Imagine waking up and taking 5 hour of your life for 2-3 days drawing about being butthurt that your editor/publisher isn't getting more money that you're going to get peanuts from.
Truly an incomprehensible culture.


is this a good resource?


Anyone know of any CLI software to easily scrape manga from mangadex? There's gallery-dl but they haven't updated to the new API.




Possibly done so scrapers could not easily just download the heavy files off of their hist site, almost pirates antipiracy who does so people don't indirectly reuploads.


laaaaasddddd so, belarus authorities might legit go privateer per.ission on copyigh property allegedly?


Is there any real issue with JavaScript or is it just something programmers of other languages like to sperg out about?


No a problem per se, but it's overused.
Adding js to a website just mean that your browser will hoard your resources because now it doesn't just need to render a simple html file with some css, but to interpret js code on the fly too.
That doesn't that mean is useless but some sites that could function perfectly without it will instead end up loading slower because of it. If you want to see it by yourself just try going to https://yewtu.be/ and compare it to youtube.
Then there's the security and privacy issues about it, because loading arbitrary code without knowledge of what's doing isn't a good idea.


If a website fetches images over js, the most trivial method of archival is to copy the url of every image while reading and paste it into something like:
j=0; for i in `cat`; do wget -O $j.`echo $i | sed 's/.*\.//'` $i;done

https://dynasty-scans.com has a nice structure, so I often rip from it with the following script.
curl "$1" |
for i in `grep 'var pages' | sed 's/.*var pages = \[//' | sed 's/];.*//' | tr -s '",{:' '	' | tr '}' '
'`; do
    a=`echo $i | cut -f 3`
    wget -O `echo $i | cut -f 5 | ncanon`.`echo $a | cut -d . -f 2` https://dynasty-scans.com/$a

I will also link to the script I made for old mangadex and many other websites >>13741


It should still have an API, at least native applications will still work JS-free.
This is one of the things that bother me with the Minecraft community migrating from curseforge to modrinth. Modrinth is way better by a long shot, Open source, faster, no ads, no comment sections, no twitch accounts, no locking mods out of mod pack usage for no reason, ect… But it's pointlessly a JavaScript application.
Plain HTML will always be easier to serve up than JS. JavaScript, if used at all, should be for actual functioning web applications like games, not just displaying documents, media and links. Most things you could use JS for are better fit for CSS. Marx/Lenin/Mao/etc didn't say to misuse the tools available to you.


As a marxist, you should be anti-JS. As a user, it feels so much worse when modern tech is used on a project.

It makes me think that my prole PC is not worth it.

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