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File: 1623717573349.jpg (553.79 KB, 1951x1612, 1623716483535.jpg)


Anyone into NTR? Is this accurate?


Not into NTR but that's literally me.


me on the left


>Anyone into NTR? Is this accurate?
If only it depicts rich yajuu where the protag girls stolen by bunch of poor fags


I don't smoke. It's gross.


luv courtesans
luv consents
shoot rapers
simple as


sure thing, kill all cucks


Imagine if a spoiled little boy can get a pussy, you could've get it too






what the fuck is this schizo shit. did he literally just watch ntr hentai just to make an mgr meme where he's a gigachad killing all the characters? incredibly based if true


ntr can be enjoyable sometimes but no it's not accurate


File: 1671241769836.gif (3.31 MB, 209x118, jackinoff.gif)

i'd like to see hentai that has exclusively these horny chomo lookin' ass old men drawn extremely unflatteringly (like the ones in your thumbnail), and they're fucking. i think it'd be hilarious


this is not a new observation


I think NTR or at least ugly bastard hentai is beyond even self insertion for ugly men but just a recollection of the fact that looks doesn't equal to sex appeal. Like you have Danny Devito who has a powerful sex aura and then you have Keanu Reeves who doesn't really have much of it despite them technically being on two opposite sides of physical aesthetics (I wouldn't even say attractiveness)
like I mean there are a lot of people out there who'd rather see a muscle bound, fat guy slamming a girl or even twink rather than a typical shonen protag for example.


>Danny Devito who has a powerful sex aura




which anime girl would you guys say, out of all the animes youve seen, is the most netorare and blackedpilled?


what's that supposed to mean

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