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File: 1608528451635.png (130.63 KB, 512x512, 1_Lynxaria.png)


wuts ur fav z0r?
mine is z0r.de/17
its sooooo wunny when he goes : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!



My favourite loop was Tanzi.swf but I don't think it's on z0r.de.



This stinks of virus.
I wouldn't open these links without proper container / without knowing what I'm doing.


This stinks of newfag.


fam you don't know z0r whats wrong with you?
are you some kind of fucking ZOOMER?



omg fuck this is memories


i remember dying while watching https://z0r.de/229 on repeat like 10 years ago

these were simpler times



is that a black caricature?
also, do all of these have endings or do others just loop forever


nah he's just charging his lazor



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