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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Hello? Ded?




Join the matrix, idk. Nobody's still hanging around here, but we don't have a new site yet.


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How do we make /dead/ more lively?


its better this way imo


am lonely


get a tinder


Is that where anarchists meet these days?


no, that would be fbi.gov
but anarchists, like all christians, are very exhausting to deal with so normies on twitter are the better choice if you need some cuddling




>anarchists, like all christians
This is bait.


social anarchists are christians cause they wanna realise an idea, that of the anarchist society, like christians want to realise god


This is some advanced form of sophism.


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I have read it but I don't remember Stirner talking about anarchists in it.


whats the difference between social liberals (communists) and social anarchists though? both want to realise what they see as the reign of justness and humanity. of course social anarchists werent around in 1850's (aside from proudhon who stirner does mention), but max's critique of the early communists also fits them.


one is cringe the other is based

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