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/dead/ - Post-Left

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this board is looking like /stirner/ right now and not /dead/
what is this? haven't you read your novatore yet anon?


What about bob black?


ive heard his book on work-abolition is supposed to be pretty good, but he also is a rat that sntiched on some autonomists making drugs to the police, so i dont vibe with him


Seriously? Post sources please. I had no idea about this.


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We have moved to that other site.


Based Black floutingt the hood's most sacred tradition - don't snitch.


yeah one that doesnt work or at least I cant post there


You can try again until the captcha expires.


novatore made stirner and nietzche seem cool to me


It doesn't reload,if I click reload nothing happens and I'm pretty sure I entered the right captcha in the first place


All those Stirner fanfiction writers like Novatore have never read Stirner's Critics


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>Ok motherfucker, explain Novatore to me, and don't dumb it down! Don't you dare dumbing it down motherfucker!
>The fuck is bourgeois-christian-plebeian civilization, huh? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


Novatore's brain is too big for this board.


I don't get poetry, why is everyone thinking so high of it


Poetry sounds cool because it has a rhythm to it. It's also very memorable. Poets are masters at expressing their emotions and subjective experience through language.


idk Novatore's poems did not feel that rhythmic to me


Have you read him in la italiano?


this is some shit an art school student thinks is deep


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