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/dead/ - Post-Left

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When did you grow out of your Marxist phase? 24 for me. I can't believe I fell for such blantant ideological spooks propped up material dialetics. Imagine being an idealist in 2021, LMAO.


From America?


From America?


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shut the fuck up you are 16


is this b8


Rangeban anarkiddies already


you're 14 at most



I'm serious. I wasted the other part of my 20's reading all of Marx, and then I read The Unique. Realized that everything I read was bullshit—feels bad but better than never learning.


Lots of people had the opposite journey, reading Stirner before getting into marxism. What's your point


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>I wasted the other part of my 20's reading all of Marx, and then I read The Unique.
Your last thread literally had you just reading Capital recently. At least keep your story straight.


>last thread


Question: if Unique proved to you that everything you read is bullshit, is it that itself a philosophical principle imposed upon you by someone else’s philosophical point of you, hence it is just another spook by its on logic, therefore you can disregard everything in its passages but then if you disregard it you are engaging in the spook of viewing the literature itself as a spook. I mean there is a lot to be said about egoism but to find in it a doctrine is itself a contradiction.


See >>331852

Nobody uses the same flag, and the point is exactly the same.


Who else here used to be an anarkiddie and later became a Marxist? Seeing Marxist-Leninists get everything right when it came to geopolitics convinced me to switch teams.


Marxist Leninists are every childish as anarkids are. In fact any hard doctrine that professes itself as scientific truth is pure ideology. It’s engaging in the same retardation that says one religious sect is more correct than another, or one liberal ideological doctrine within the current paradigm is more correct than the other. It’s a chimera of politics that can be abstractly called socialism. Marx himself said that all social theories are just social theories that represent an atom of the general movement. If Marx knew about Marxism Leninism and saw what it is today he would criticize that shit ruthlessly for engaging in cult politics the way many sectarians of his day did.


>In fact any hard doctrine that professes itself as scientific truth is pure ideology
do you think any science is "pure ideology" then? what about physics?


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>Bothering with Stirner in the year the lord 2021
God, why

If Marx was alive today, he'd probably get called a kike by people here.


Hard sciences don't profess themselves to be truth, though.


i started getting into post-leftism last year, so i was 23
I dont totally dislike marx, but reading nihilist communism I got disillusioned with the notion of class counsciousness and workerism in general. like proletarian revolution is a neat idea but it never happened and will never happen



>Imagine being an idealist
pure retard

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