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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Thread dedicated to the discussion of anti-work theory/praxis and sharing of further reading material. Shitposting obviously allowed and expected. Share your personal experiences if you want, just don't dox yourself by accident.



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4th book looks fun.
What's it about?


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Flood detected; post discarded.


I don't know how to read these, pls help


They are manga, you read them right-to-left.

First picture:
> These guys were able to live so well even though they were unemployed…
< Please tell me that's not why you like dinosaurs…

Second picture:
> What are you, Youko? A job-hunting student? I like the suit.
< This was the only different thing I had.
< Nope.
< I'm a corporate slave!
> You just wanted to say that, didn't you!?


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Oh I see, thank you Junko without trip or flag


thats not me


work tomorrow :(


What makes you work instead of neet or suicide, anon?


not him, but i have to pay bills, taxes and buy food
how you handle this without a job, oh wise master?


>not him, but i have to pay bills, taxes and buy food
>how you handle this without a job, oh wise master?
A special blend of neetdom and crime.





its ok anon, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Especially weaknesses. Some more than others :^)
you're valid


NTA, but it brings comfort to my life. Plus I can live abroad and escape the third world.


People always brag about being NEETs but will never explain how


The majority of NEETs live with their parents.


Just with or off?


r/antiwork is on the reddit front page every other day, what's going on?


Burgers on a de-facto workers strike because no one wants to work.


"Works sucks, I know"
Standard radlib bitching about work but never imagining the possibility of doing anything to bring about it's end.
I don't go on reddit, but I have many "anti-work" lib friends and acquaintances.


Everyone has to start somehow.


> As a result, the overwhelming majority of examples of wage labor that we do encounter in the ancient world are of people who are already slaves: a slave potter might indeed arrange with his master to work in a ceramics factory, sending half the wages to his master and keeping the rest for himself. Slaves might occasionally do free contract work as well—say, working as porters at the docks. Free men and women would not. And this remained true until fairly recently: wage labor, when it did occur in the Middle Ages, was typical of commercial port cities such as Venice, or Malacca, or Zanzibar, where it was carried out almost entirely by unfree labor.
bruh is this for real? why nobody talks about it?


A mix of increased awareness of work conditions in due to COVID changes, exponential nature of hype, and recuperation.

1) Work already sucked, but COVID has become a breaking point, and people forced away from work or fired have gained fresh perspective.
2) Attention brings more discussion and more attention. When something gets enough attention to get crossposted to other subreddits or communites, then it has more change to reach /r/all on reddit, then it has more chance to trend and gain more subscribers and lurkers, which increases the chances of other posts being seen. Attention is a feedback loop in an attention economy, like capital enabling more capital, and it will probably happen until the Next Big Thing.
3) Recuperation. For evidence, look at replies to overtly left-wing meta OPs. People saying 'I don't like American work' seems to be liberalizing the anarchistic anti-work phenomenon. It's becoming 'my work sucks' more than 'work as we know it today sucks', probably because 'work' is a nuanced word to the people who named the place, and to a normalfag 'anti-work' sounds like 'sit on my butt and free money', which they find unreasonable. So recuperation has enabled it to become more popular. Now it just needs to be forced back into its original purpose. Good fucking luck for that happening.


>>2817 (me)
That said, I looked there now and there was plenty of highly-rated posts explicitly denouncing capitalism and food-theft-snitching.


Late to the party but you guys should be interested in some anti work history


Oh no friends we have been BTFOd, Marxists will scientifically make us love work


read more anti-civ stuff, its pretty common there. u just wont find commies admit it….


Any recommendations?



"free" labour is different under capitalism than it was under feudalism you lobotomite


Yeah it seems feudalism was a short interruption between societies built on slavery.



>feudalism wasn't built on slavery
another anarchist banger


what do you mean




wtf I am a tankie now


he means he doesnt know the difference between slaves and serfs


i'm not a "he"
slaves were used alnongside serfs. there were plenty of feudal monarchies where the king or a lord had a sizeable inventory of slaves
also making any kind of meaningful differerence between slavery and serfdom in the actual lives of the subjects is pretty dumb


So you really don't know the difference. You can just admit it, you know.


why are anarchists in an anti-work thread no less defending serfdom?


I don't think pointing out that slavery is different from serfdom is a defense of either.


>anarchists BTFO by Marxists
It's a tale as old as time


how did they btfo me if i still don't want to work?
checkmate, tankies


You would want to work if they were your managers vanguard. It's foretold by Marx's prophecy.


mic drop


wait…there were serfs in France and England? I thought it was just a Russia thing


There were, but it went out of fashion early.


Unironically Capital and Grundrisse, used to be a Black/Graeber fan until I read Marx


what is this post trying to convey?


this was pretty good when I was 16 years old but now this is just stupod


I'm saying that abolition of work is a core tenant of Marxist theory. And many people such as Postone and Kurz have written books about the necessity of ending work to end capitalism.


Friendly reminder that Stalin was Anti-Work


Sralin robbed banks.
He was a post-left illegalist.


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Have you read Novatore and Bonanno? Stalin has.


>Stalin was Anti-Work
Only for himself.


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>be me
>lie on my CV
>get hired as security at a bougie ass restaurant
>12 hours graveyard shift
>only work 2-3 hours when staff is around
>pretend to check people's backpacks
>everyone leaves
>lock everything
>block entrances
>go to the camera's blindspot
>get comfy in one of the sofas
>grab a drink from the bar
>munch on fresh breadsticks
>have delicious italian dinner for free from the kitchen
>take a massive shit and clog up the toilet every night
>go to sleep
>wake up
>resell the garbage for extra cash
>take lobster and quality meat cuts from the cold room
>go home
>go out to smash some bussy
>earn over twice as much compared to my last job


what are you?
some sort of social anarchist scum?


So you're an illegalist but also a security guard?


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All the best crooks are cops. Can't get caught if you're the one supposed to be catching people.


for the cause not for the sake of it


So what will happen when real illegalists will break into the restaurant where you wou work to steal shit?


>real illegalists
gatekeeping crime now are we?
not that anon but if I were in their situation I'd cooperate with them and split


ive always had possitive experiences at work


what job do you have?


cyber security architect


>I'd cooperate with them and split
You would be fired if you admit it to your boss and maybe he will even sue you.
If you don't show up the next day, you will be a fugitive.


>You would be fired if you admit it to your boss
why would I do that?
like, you'd get punished for most illegals acts if you admitted to them
isnt that kinda a given?

sounds like an interesting job, but not everyone gets the chance to get the job they'd like and for some people following their passion is even at odds with monetising said passion to begin with, which is why it would be beneficial to everyone if said occupations were no longer tied to work as an institution. you would still be doing cyber security stuff, it just wouldnt be tied to your subsistence anymore.


So you are paid to wank all day about how cool hackerman you are?


>why would I do that?
I wrote the 2 obvious options, so you choose to be a fugitive.


so basically a virtual security guard for porky?


Well I disagree with those


So you would show you up at work the next day?
"Hey Anon, there was a burglary last night at the restaurant, someone has cut the video surveillance system, where the fuck where you? You're supposed the security guard."


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all I can is that somebody who isn't me steals regurlarly at their job and nobody even notices

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