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/dead/ - Post-Left

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File: 1630697150702.jpg (101.53 KB, 784x768, 192748923427361.jpg)




it has an onion address but i can't post, it says i need a block bypass but then all i get is that tor prevented a popup

what is this shitty site


Solve the bypass then re-open the board in a different window, worked for me.


endchan shits itself every other hour


ill try that sometime
i was just gonna shitpost anyways
ill see if i can get tor to let me have popups


Can we create on boards? Are you that anon?


this adress will be dead within 3 months




because thats what happened to the other /dead/ on prolesphere (or whatever)
ppl who post on here usually just saw something especially disgusting on /leftypol/ and come here to get that taste out of their mouths. thats probably 90% of this boards traffic.
since the new site wont have that, itll be stuck at like 5 posters and get slower and slower until it dies.


I thought endchan was going to be shut down.


end/dead/ BO here, you can create boards by making an account and making a board. Simple process really.


>5 posters
thats actually a lot considering that most of the users there are from lefty/dead/ and have really done nothing but rarely posting


another anarchist success story


in comparrison to /leftypol/ it clearly is.
not existing means not being shit.

Unique IPs: 7

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