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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I don't see why any organisation should be done except for incredibly destructive praxis.

My mental existence, caused by America has been constant existential agony. It is an ocean of depression with the occasional island of hope but they sink too.

So if I organise, omnicide will always be on my heart. The largest uranium deposits in the world, all weaponized into an arsenal. Nuke and invade everything that has ever irritated me. Maybe write an autobiography. Then challenge any survivors to solve the existential problem that would drive someone to this edge.

It won't be a chimpout like Hitler, as well. Going to be realpolitik about it. Invade countries left and right, kill everything, but get skilled second coming of Molotov to fix it up. Rinse and repeat. Only nuke and invade when victory is certain.

Fucking go for a billion death count high score
Victims of Communism want a number, they can get it.

This world forbade me from being the hero a long time ago. I can only be the villain.

It won't stop with me to. I plan to have a family and give my existential hatred to them as well, hypocrite scum I am. Only the possibility of my genes destroying America keeps me going.


thats pretty edgy


> I plan to have a family


Just play hoi4 bro.


ok im not an egoist anymore this post has convinced me how gay it is


what does the OP have to do with egoim?


First the basic questions.
What the fuck are you talking about and why did you post it here?


sir this is a /dead/…


>sir this is a /dead/…
Yes. You still didnt explain. Why did you feel the need to post you schizo ramblings un /dead/, anon?

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