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how do u deal with loneliness and poverty and no friends and depression and no future and nothing to look forward to


I get drunk and jack off 6 times a day


You make it sound worse than it is!


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I don't, I just suffer.


There are many ways, anon! You can
>cultivate a drug addiction, or several
>maximize the time you spend escaping reality through fiction, pornography and other distractions
>retreat into online rage parlors until you become an empty, unbearable person and the constant dull anger of life feels almost comforting, like an old friend
>pour all your lifeblood into the creation of art even though it probably won't achieve any level of notoriety
>try to cultivate genuine friendships with online weirdos and hope this fills the void somehow
>join a cult
>hire a prostitute
and so much more!


i just smoke weed and watch anime all day


how do u deal with:


just watch media at ALL TIME. seek ou a few podcasts and youtuoe/twitch streamers and just have them running in the background 24/7. you should put that content as your alarm clock and from your first waking second be listening to it. after a while, the people will feel like friends.


seeing as you have internet, you might wanna look into setting up online scams. otherwise steal old ladies' purses on the street.


numb yourself with substances. ppl can live years drinking alcohol everyday.

>no future

thats just wrong. everybody has a future. some ppl's future is just in jail or psychiatry


one millisecond at a time


Can't we all fight loneliness by posting on /dead/?


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that only makes it worse though


>how do u deal with loneliness and poverty
>no friends
I see…
drugs, healthy diet and exercise
>no future and nothing to look forward to
revolutionary optimism


bros… the cold harsh winters are here and the depression is kicking in again, not sure if i can take this any longer…


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think of a burning cop car… it warms my heart


are cops considered proles?


no, and even if they were, who gives a fuck?
>#workerismisdead #stealfromtheproles #lumpenslime4life #egobolnatsocganggangweed420gang


i'm trying stop caring about everything and seek escapism all the time since i can't cope with reality. is this acceptable? how long till it eventually collapses apart and bites me back?


The problem is it won't collapse. It's not purgatory, it's hell. It doesn't end on its own.
On the other hand, escapism is okay, totally acceptable, we're fighting for ourselves and if you just can't take it anymore, give yourself a break.
Read Philip Dick and smoke weed until it gets better and you start caring again.


they are considered enemies


I like to grow plants and sometime give them to other people.


Sometimes reading the right philosopher is like having a friend that really understands you and can put your own thoughts in more sensible and articulate order than yourself and it makes the world less confusing.


Who is your philosopher friend?


I started taking guitar lessons.

I daydream about moving to NYC.

I don't have much else to add. I'm in the process of estrangement with my family and my therapist stood me up today so I came to /dead/ of all places.


Play us something, let's hear your jam!


the way i cope is taking back some control by making big decisions to do "dumb" stuff

go do some crimes or fuck your life up or kill yourself
itll make you feel better


>Who is your philosopher friend?


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feeling lonesome bros


wanna feel lonesome together?

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