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Why does civilization take so long to collapse?


you are dellusional society wont ever collapse


Why not? All other civilizations have collapsed before, what makes this one different?


civilizations never collapsed there were just changes in the mode of production
did you even read marx?


wtf? like the last society to collapse was the freaking romans over 1500 years ago. since then, european civilisation has pretty much been continuous.

this is recuctionism. civilisation and mode of production arent the same thing.


how is it reductionism
Roman civilisation didnt collapse you can still find it all over europe


>how is it reductionism
because civ and mop are 2 different things and you brought up mop when op was talking about civ thereby implying they were the same

>Roman civilisation didnt collapse you can still find it all over europe

havent spoken latin in a while bro
the fact that roman successors emulated roman culture doesnt mean it was the same civilisation. rather, certain aspects were reintegrated.


Roman civilization collapsed, some parts of it survived as the Byzantine Empire. Western civilization was a fresh start, disconnected from both the Romans and the Ancient Greeks.


>havent spoken latin in a while bro
did you here about the new language that was just invented its called italien


do you thing everyone who lived under roman rule just died?


sorry i havent, im white


americans arent white


es ist gut, deutscher zu sein


Ist sehr premium


what does that have to do with anything?
ppl who were under roman rule ended up under langobard or frankish rule or whatever. in these new conditions their way of life changed and was no longer roman.


> civilisation and mode of production arent the same thing.
Doesn't even matter, after the collapse of Rome their "productive forces" were left to rot. The only continuity is through the Church and that's dogshit.

They stopped living under Roman rule, and they liked it. This is not the first time this happened. Civilizations used to collapse all the time and the people living under their rule usually rejoiced. When "barbarians" invaded their civilizations, they welcomed them. That people living under someone's rule should like and defend their rulers was an innovation of the European liberals and nationalists centuries later.

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