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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Why are the tankies on leftypol so aggressively retarded? Or is retardation just a typical trait of tankies?


tankies everywhere are generally retarded


Tankies are like religious fanatics that defend even the mistakes that their sect did.


If they were not retarded they wouldn't be tankies.


File: 1638780354375.png (276.22 KB, 1362x906, ClipboardImage.png)

It's common to all of them


In my experience "tankies" are by far the least retarded of mainstream leftists. Most self-proclaimed post leftists, even on this board, are liberals in denial. Most anarchists and berniebros are indistinguishable. Not all of them, of course. But I'll take a random tankie over a random anarchist any day of the week.

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