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Leftypol is honestly convincing me that Marxists are just dogmatic morons that cling to 19th Century writings like a surrogate Bible


I've never seen an intelligent anarchist post.


read the OP


It's certainly bad at the moment. I like to think leftypol ebbs and flows.


socialism is when you're sectarian, and the more sectarian you are, the socialister it is
and when you kill anybody with different ideas, it's communism


you have to actually read those 19th Century writings to refute them

but lately i've see a lot of people claiming to be "marxists" that don't know how to justify their own position


fuck socialism


>implying leftypolacks are marxists


also this
IMO leftists in general are in serious need of a collective struggle session


are these Marxists in the room with us now


That's why we are on the post-left board, no?


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uuh why did you post that?
like do you think making fun of marxism means I somehow am pro capitalist?
do you not know there are several non-marxian conceptions of a post-capitalist society?
like have you heard of kropotkin? or any anarchist for that matter?


hey theres diff types of marxists ok
theres the marx-via-stalin ppl (most of leftypol), boring marxist economists, the post-'68 marxists who basically set the stage for modern anarchism, post civ, etc, theres tiqqunoids, and situationoids, etc etc


>the post-'68 marxists who basically set the stage for modern anarchism, post civ, etc
care to share any? i already know about perlman and camatte and arguably deleuze and foucualt


>dogmatic morons that cling to 19th Century writings like a surrogate Bible

OP I have had the same exact ntion as you. Capital is quite literally the Marxist's Bible but without the rich history and interesting stories of the actual Bible.


this is all a spook in your head


thats all i know basically :P


Tbf Op you shouldn't base your view on any kind of ideology or idea on how people people on the internet behave. Anarchists and marxists online are retards like everyone else on the web. And this even ignoring e-celebs and grifters. Read theory and remember that those retards still want a better world like you do, so be nice to them. (except for the aformentioned e-celebs, they only deserve beatings).


post-leftists are just as bad as leftists
point is, everything is shite


Well, the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.

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