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File: 1641065141057.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1639932655013.jpg)


slowly dawning on me that p much every modern day leftist does not like marx, let alone has read him


yeah, things are looking up


what is “up”? constantly rehashing 19th century petty bourgeois socialism because the one writer thinking beyond them was also from that century?


saying shit like this while Marx is well known for his inability to break with the forms of bourgeois revolutions is pretty funny ngl


>dramatic declaration
>dumb statement
>also false
many such cases


So anyway I have a question how to build and maintain sewerage systems in anarchy?


We all just shit in your mouth instead.


I never really understood this meme, why would this ever be an issue? Do people where you live have to be forced at gunpoint to let pipes be connected to their houses?


>while Marx is well known for his inability to break with the forms of bourgeois revolutions is pretty funny ngl
yeah, absurdist nonsense can be funny


> umm let's do a bourgeois revolution but call it proletarian, it will change everything!!


File: 1641124875904.jpg (24.14 KB, 405x246, Killdozer.jpg)

>he doesn't know about the killdozer rampage




you cannot take the state over like the bourgeoisie did and then expect different results than the bourgeoisie got.


where did marx state that


You know there was a huge split about it in the first international, you might have heard about it.


the split in the IWA was over economic policies
the anarchists wanted to organize the peasant middle class, the marxists saw them as undeveloped and unsuitable for revolution and also they didn't hate Jews
nothing to say about the state


You know very well that that is not true. Why do you feel like you have to lie to us on an anonymous imageboard?


Marx was an important element of leftist history and a basis for many to work on.

Doesn't mean you need to read him to further the cause better than someone who has. Most important physisists don't read Newton or Einstein nor biologists read Darwin: subsequent works expand upon their ideas in relation to discoveries made since and social changes. Marx wrote before anyone any communist ruling parties existed!


It's the idea that anarchy is when you don't organize or plan anything, or worse, the belief that you genuinely need some tyrant barking orders for anything to ever get done.


holy shit i've been picked apart
fuck off


All physicists learn about newtonian and einsteinian physics. All biologists learn about theories of evolution. Your comaprison is bunk because you're implying leftists are learning marxism just not through marx, and that isn't true. Marx is still the best resource as introductory marxism beyond the basics.

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