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why do commies always act like cops, when its them whose most invested in totally overturning society and overthrowing the government? wtf??



kek too true


It's just a vocal minority in real life. On leftypol it's just /pol/ converts and/or trolls.


Nobody cares about what you "actually believe", we are not in Sunday school. If you support cop shit you support cop shit, no matter how you rationalize it for yourself.


/leftypol/ communists are law and order communists
they became communists because they see the current state as decadent and degenerate, but they also hate nazis (usually due to anti-fascist upbringing or social environment). even though they dream the same dream as fashists, an all powerful state that pushes their vision of a pure society onto others, they declare themselves as communists because it doesnt have the same baggage.


who are you talking to?


mm not exactly
a lot of the time in my experience these kinds are just disaffected/precarious middle class people who don't see any hope for stability in liberalism as it is and hope "communism"/"socialism" will at least stabilize the situation, even if it's after a "revolution" (civil war or something like that)
they will most likely go over to fascism if there's no hope for their fantasies actually happening. i feel like a lot of leftists in general are potential fascists tbh


of course, this isn't a blanket statement or anything like that. there's also >>3051 to consider


>these kinds are just disaffected/precarious middle class people who don't see any hope for stability in liberalism
so you mean fascists?
the stability they seek never was a thing. it's the fascist myth of a bright past that got degenerated by minority groups.


kek true


i dont put much faith in myths
i think as far as online discussion spaces go, there's a big focus on geopolitics and online drama and other breads and circus that attracts certain people, and when they're pressed on actual social/political issues, they have some unsavoury stuff hidden underneath that comes out


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>Why yes, I support police on police violence
>How could you tell?


Tbh I think leftypol in particular attracts people that would otherwise be fascists like moths to a flame
And no, it doesn’t stop them from one day becoming fascist either, it gives them a certain form of bread and circuses for a while, I’m sure once conditions completely collapse a large amount if not the majority of these middle class white LARPers will abandon all notions of socialism tbh


Fact a lot of 1st world Leninists joke they were social democrats before their candidates lost or did nothing is telling. Their politics are easily influenced by how powerless they are. They have to remove themselves from reality to believe they are part of some greater worldwide movement. Similar to the fascists in how they believe the entire planet rests on their piecemeal 20th century ideological persuasions.


y r u salty haters for no reason?


Unfree we be


I don't really see the point of blanket statements like this. Leftypol is diverse and while you do have many posters who haven't killed the cop in their head, or that try to push for their own agenda of controlling others behavior, I feel like most people are above this. Many times criminal activity is even explicitly promoted, as long as you don't get caught of course.

I for one never comment on "lumpen" or PMC hate threads. Or "should we ban X under communism" or sex work or just sex threads in general. They are filled with people who didn't understand shit about anything they read (or didn't even read), but feel extremely fit to post their stupid shit opinions. I just avoid those threads and have a better time..

That's the nature of imageboards. You have to be good at separating the wheat from the chaff.


>Leftypol is diverse
maybe in 2016 it was. the range of acceptable positions starts with leninism and ends with maoism.
>I don't really see the point of blanket statements like this.
The point is to establish a dividing line between Them and Us.


>That's the nature of imageboards. You have to be good at separating the wheat from the chaff
My problem is i end up just lurking and skipping to the recent posts to save time. Active threads are just retards saying the same shit they have a hundred times before. Or worse it's just namefags arguing over geopolitics as a result of differing ideology. Where really leftypol shines is when people talk about the conditions of everyday lives.

This, anyone who's been around for all the split boards and site changes should know better. Terminally online leftists are more often than not mentally ill larpers


a lot of "communists" just hope to become politicans and bureaucrats in the bourgeois state, especially ones of the leninist persuasion. their entire ideology is carefully constructed useful rhetoric to win sympathy towards themselves and provide a "base"

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