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/dead/ - Post-Left

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what does /dead/ think about ted kaczynski
I found his theory of self propagating systems and oversocialization interesting, but i wanted to know what this place thinks of his theory


he's p good


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He suffers from a major case of STEM brain so he remains incapable of critiquing the underlying logic of industrial civilization. Adorno and Heidegger are both far superior in that regard.


Personally, as an accelerationist sorta person I've never looked into his anticiv stuff very much because as another anon said, Heidegger's critiques of technology are something I'm already familiar with and feel like there's more there to argue with. However TedK's essay where he dunks on anprims is pretty funny and I can respect that he's at least not a deluded utopian who thinks a world without civilization would be a paradise where no one has to work, and his "The System's Neatest Trick" essay is an underrated post-left adjacent work.


He's a deranged reactionary that is promoted as the standard of "eco-terrorism" by the powers that be to make people forget that actual anarchist eco-defense has been way more effective and scared the feds shitless than sending mailbombs to random computer shops.




His writings are highly recommended, not only because he is often right in what he writes but also because he is wrong just as often. "Industrial Society and Its Future is good training material for critical reading exercises.
I also noticed that for an anarchist he has relatively little knowledge of anarchist theory. As far as I know, he never mentions Bakunin, Rocker, Stirner or any other big name anywhere, but he knows a lot about Marxist and Bourgeois revolutions.


He was big into Jacques ellul


What he describes as surrogate activities and various other ills is just alienation which Marxism seeks to overcome. He was strikingly right, but he lacked dialectical thinking.


nice bait


Stirner is a better critic of "oversocialization". The Unique and Its Property is basically a manifesto against schooling

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