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/dead/ - Post-Left

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anyone else want to create alternative spaces outside of the established left but too lazy so they harm themselves with what's already there?
i really need my own initiative


alterantive spaces? why would you need to create alternative spaces? If you refuse to work with woder political/proletarian organisations and go make a small larp group for meme ideology stuff you will accomplish nothing


i mean like websites and stuff
and there are no actual orgs working with the proletariat where i live anyways


>If you refuse to work with woder political/proletarian organisations and go make a small larp group for meme ideology stuff you will accomplish nothing
Oh yeah because proletarian organisations have accomplished so much. For example: never overcoming capitalism and instead creating authoritarian states that either imploded or opened themselves to markets and exploitation again.
Now that's really a history to emulate.
Fucking who on this post-leftist board is actually post-leftist? Proletarian organisation, workerism as a whole is a dead end and has proven itself to be several times before. Why should anyone who wants to combat capitalism look to proven failures? This is completly retarded.


>Oh yeah because proletarian organisations have accomplished so much


>Fucking who on this post-leftist board is actually post-leftist?
Hopefully no one.


tf you even doing on here?


overboard babyyyy
also I like the skeletons and the dum filter kind of




Just start mutually aiding your homies and let it grow from there.


I kinda have a theory that feds target and “neutralize” all online forums, no matter how harmless. Probably mostly to generally demoralize people. Usually it doesn’t need to be anything elaborate like infiltrating a moderation team, but hijacking posting patterns themselves, which can be done with the help of an algorithm. Most active posters are then crowded out. There aren’t even too many forums out there, and the ones that do exist usually have lackluster moderation, with people not having the time or energy to keep up, and also a very hands-off, avoidant attitude towards the poster base, that enables these attacks a ton. Just a theory, at least.


lol this thread dies when i ask people to not troll in it. guess that's all posters here are good for


>anyone else want to create alternative spaces outside of the established left
like what?
give us an idea of what you're talking about if you want a topic to not get instantly derailed


it's just the general notion of the fact that any established community i've been able to find has been awful, and i think i'm not the only one that thinks that, but there needs to be initiative. only the awful people have the initiative. people are such timid cucks tbh


i've been trying to make good posts on leftypol for a while now in the hope that lurkers with better posts than usually get posted come out but no one really does. it seems like there's either only ever timid people or awful people


also, i already know every excuse you can pull out to defend it


or maybe there was never anything of worth there anyways. fuck lurkers tbh. they're the root cause of bad communities


Maybe instead of wasting your time on delusions like "community", you could unionize with your fellow egoists?


i dont care


Then why make a thread about it?


i dont care about your lame ass meme


It's just a picture, don't be so upset about it.


how about you make your shitty threat on >>>/leftypol/ instead then?


like what is this shit? "le alternative leftist space"?
leftist spaces in the 21st century are trash and will never amount to anything because leftism ia a thing of the 20th century.
you just want some hobby room where you can jerk yourself off by how hard you are larping as radical or revolutionary or whatever. you would probably fit in great on leftypol if they didnt rape your ass on theory which is the straight vibe I get from >>3164. Organising on the grounds such abtsract, empty terms like leftism is a useless endeavour and >>3167 is completly right in asking you why your arent trying to create spaces that are dircetd at fulfilling your concrete desires, but you get shook by a fucking stirner meme image macro which makes it even more baffling that you are even posting on here.
die in a fire.


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>leftypol in 2022
>"raping" anyone on theory
the last time anyone actually read books on leftypol was during leftcom meta


It's depressing that subcultures are dying even on the internet.


Somehow they are still very dogmatic, and they treat this whole site as if every topic needed a party sanctioned position on it, and if you deviate from that they won't even try to understand your position, they will just start preaching their own position. I don't know why am I still here.


i would like to see more experimentation online. i suspect there is a missing niche for imageboards and forums. the idea that they can compete with major social media sites is insane - but this is unnecessary. if you can break off 50 people and maintain a steady inflow of new people, you've got a self-sustaining community.
i suspect imageboards have an advantage here, despite their less familiar format to most people, because their layout - even if everyone uses a name - puts less emphasis on individual users. thus, it becomes less obvious that everyone you knew 5 years ago has left the website. people relate to the website itself almost as an imagined person.

every hour spent posting on /leftypol/ is an hour not spent on twitter, an hour creating something - if not new - then at least less common. now, if only a thousand sites of equal size would spring up.
(how political this is is a debatable point. ideally, left politics would head for /leftypol/, and what i'm really hoping for is sewing boards, boards for moderately popular old games, boards for fishing, boards for doing a fuckton of cough medicine and climbing up on the roof. if they can sustain 10 PPH they'll crush most existing imageboards. so long as they aren't "4chan-derived" in culture, i can take or leave being explicitly leftist. it would be nice, yes, but 'apolitical' is enough.)


you're literally talking to yourself. nowhere in the OP did i imply i want to reproduce leftism. you're probably an illiterate fucking peasant from a middle american suburb, you are a worm and you need to kill yourself asap


social media sites shouldn't be competed with since they're just corporate platforms for controlling discourse and advertising
i think the big problem is moderation. too many people see their time and energy as valuable to a hysterical degree, so they assume it's like some hard thing to just clean up a discussion board regularly and interact with the userbase for constructive feedback


also that post of mine was mostly prompted by having to argue with /pol/tards on leftypol with basic marxist theory



i just feel like im talking to myself against all of the bad faith. that's the point though, isn't it? demoralization
i have never discussed anything with a good faith poster on here. everyone seems to be some form of petty bourgeois reactionary or other. there are no good lurkers, fuck the lurkers


post-leftists aren't any better with this either, so don't act surprised when i'm not impressed by your stirner memes


go ahead, give me another insult-laden rant, i'm already used to it fyi


Lurkers don't post.


they should cuz the only posters are garbage and they get 0 pushback


unless they're addicted to reading threads upon threads of /pol/yp concern trolling or something


>petty bourgeois reactionary
can marxoids form one coherent sentence without resorting to their worn-out buzzwords


let me see your bussy


Im not even from murrica
fuck off btw


let me see your bussy


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your bussy is a worn-out buzzword


I know I’m still here because there’s basically nowhere else and every other leftist space is a psychotic idpol shithole or thinly veiled rightoid shit like stupidpol
It’s actually pretty depressing tbh because I can no longer lie to myself that leftypol has any real value (not even in terms of interesting discussions, entertainment, or humor), but there’s basically nowhere else to go
I tried a dis.cord server and they tried convincing me I’m an “egg” because I was upset over something my girlfriend said


no one cares


Speak for yourself, I care.


no actual contributions, just de-railing and aggressive roided out projection by "egoist" meme larp'ers


You just ignored those posts. Just get some friends. Nothing else will work.


i can't discuss some stuff with friends


also useless "advice"


Why do you have friends if you can't even discuss with them?


i cut all of my "friends"
got any more paternalistic advice or any other projection of your petty bourgeois worldview?


So how do you plan to make form a community alone? If it's by hurling insults at strangers on a dead board, I can tell you that it's not going to work.


im not the one that went on a rant calling someone a retard because they weren’t impressed by my meme and non-input


Do you see a thriving community on /dead/? It's living proof that that does not work.


im not concerned with taking any lessons from a board whose main demographic is philistines who found out about stirner through wojaks and didn’t even bother reading his stuff


god i wish this board had mods so they could delete your bitch ass threat already


is this what a union of egoists looks like
a bunch of sensitive bullies


Obviously it can only be a union of egoists if the egoists are able to realise their desires, like my desire for you to fuck off.


See here, the actual goals of tankies in their own words

These people deserve to die


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>Obviously it can only be a union of egoists if the egoists are able to realise their desires, like my desire for you to fuck off.


no context for that screenshot, so who knows what this is about ? But you said the tankie-slur so it's porbably done in bad faith.


i don't think it has much context in the first place, seems like some /pol/ half-convert rambling out of nowhere

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