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>i need to fit in into the normie "grind" culture to have a chance at a well paying job and a gf
>pretend to hide my power level at all times just to have a shot at this
>contribute to the same society's growth that you hate in the first place
wait i know the game was rigged, but this is worrying me… should've just lucked out on rich parents and good looks to not worry about life, now i'm depressed all the time, how do i cope?


Spend all your time aggressively marketing yourself, change your appearance to be more marketable, buy marketable clothes, learn marketable skills, suck up to other marketable people, and so on until you get put in a rest home


Decide on a trade, get good at it, market yourself, never sell yourself short, do exactly the opposite of that. Niche is good. It'll take years but you'll get there. And also fake it till you make it.


Find employment/a field you don't hate too much and can stick with a career/education to meet your goals
Don't fake who you are, that adds more stress/is draining. Just don't give your real opinions when it causes you disutility. Keep your mouth shut and people will assume you agree. Find a way to vent and be your true self and organize politically in other areas etc.
Lie on your resume and appear confident and sociable in interviews though whatever means. If you need money and resources look into hustles/illegalism/shoplifting and shit. Sounds like you have your shit kind of together good. Don't let yourself get too down in the dumps and shoplift to supplement your income. Eventually you can build capital to maybe use for business endeavours if that suits your personality and skill set. Can't speak on the effectiveness there tho.


I cope by learning about interesting shit in my free time (and sometimes also on the clock (don't tell my boss))


a bullet in the head


The system is designed to filter out unreliables back into the surplus population. To end up reformed into servile workers or otherwise removed from circulation entirely. Simply put, "success" within capitalism becoming the most valuable and irreplaceable slave. Give up all of yourself for mediocre living conditions. No goals except working towards the next expensive purchase. Your time and energy stolen from you every day until you're dead and there's nothing left for them to take.


real shit.
really dont like that most other peoples advice is just on how to fit in… what about the fact that work takes all your time and energy, and ad you struggle to make it and keep your position which allows you time to struggle, you keep others down and rely on the system for the privilege of criticizing and plotting against it, or the known problem of cognitive dissonance leading to peoples feelings and beliefs aligning with their actions… the game is rigged and thr only way out is realizing it, organizing with other people to realize it, and collectively trying to change the fundamental way society works. And who knows if that will even work or is possible.


i get u. Everyone knows pretty much what it takes to sell out and survive. Wheres the leftist advice on not selling out? idk but i know i dont have it

also you might be interested by how nazi Lagers were run, its neat… privilege gained through selling out to your enemies was the only way for prisoners to survive. the default prisoner just withered away and died. The capos got extra rations so they were fit. They kept order and snitched on other prisoners. No one could fight back effectively becuase they were systematically disempowered physically, except for the snitches and traitors.


>collectively trying to change the fundamental way society works. And who knows if that will even work or is possible
I personally believe there's a realization that myself and many should come to understand. Most if not any of us will survive to see a truly free society. Maybe some higher levels of autonomy could be achieved together within our lifetimes. In simplest terms, to be free is a great responsibility. More important of a task than living in accordance to any alleged or supposed states. The unfortunate situation is our idealized visions of a better tomorrow are just a cope. To envision organizations alternative to or in direct conflict with capital are just mental exercises. To live free is to no longer be oppressed but also to not opress others. The MLs are correct in believing capitalist dictatorship must be overthrown to eradicate it's forms of social organization. Where they're wrong is creating "new" institutions mirroring those of capitalist economics and representative democracies. Their beliefs a social revolution that strives towards a reconstitution with the end goal being a stateless and moneyless society is a historical propriety. When we all know in only two generations after WW2 those institutions failed to maintain the USSR. These Marxist-Leninist governments controlled near half the world for only forty years. Apparatuses of the state lending themselves into being capably dissolved by reactionary elements. Against the will of the true communists any vestiges of socialism will be mostly forgotten with the deaths of it's former citizens. That's really what I'm getting at. We can hope, cope and fight all we possibly can. The sad fact is we won't live to see capitalism totally abolished. Even within socialist government was capital victorious to be infecting thought patterns.

Nice trips btw


>>pretend to hide my power level at all times just to have a shot at this
Cringe culture is progressively dying, don't do this or you'll be miserable. You only have one shot at life, might as well enjoy it.


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I don't know about making it, but you can make things bearable if you just pretend to go along with the bullshit while keeping your true understanding of the situation to yourself. Also having someone who is attracted to you helps a loot to boost mood.


yeah, but for me just trying to change shit is enough. Like the difference between capitalism and whatever after isnt the difference between two static states of society i think, more like the static society and the people changing it… i agree that society will always have a biy of shitness, but i hope to find my community in struggle, not after the struggle dies down/out. Ill leave that shit to other ppl to worry about ig. Hopefully they get themselves organized enough to be able to not let themselves be stolen from idk


I'm of the belief we're only as free as we allow ourselves to be collectively. Y'know how the Ayn Rand types believe collectivism is inherently unfree? On the contrary, my line of thinking is the only free associations are ones which aren't transactional. Not giving just so you can take something for yourself. Attributing value to things which are immeasurable is a fool's errand. Obviously fair arrangements are meant to be agreed upon by those involved. Real problem being is the collective indecision of societies past and present. We don't need politicians to make collective agreements but democracy is only meant to work half the time. Only half the population even really cares about politics to begin with. Less than that care to dedicate themselves into becoming truly educated. We aren't free to choose in matters of anything aside from ourselves. Someone else's future been decided by us unknowingly, unwillingly or by our uncaring. So by that i've come to realize i was dead before i was born. I guess that's why we're here to try and understand "why?".

As if any of that is a consolation prize


Why do you need to hide your power level, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. You either participate in society or you don't there is no middle ground atleast anarchists have the balls to do the latter.


fam all those anti-civs are on twitter


the zoomer and gen alpha LARPers who found out about meme ideologies through leftypol and breadtube are


yeah isnt that 90% of anti-civ anarchists?


this is like literally the psychotic option
it's a bad cope, cause it can get out of hand.


"freedom is necessity realized" ig
and yeah collective shit is a potential source for our power… power is in direct opposition to freedom, well at least according to stirner, but empowerment is really what we want when we say we want freedom.

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