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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Why do the fags on leftypol suck so fucking much?
Why do tankie fags in general describe socialism as an actual dystopia even shittier than the world we already have and still not comprehend why normies despise them?


we already had this threat twice now


Just wait they gonna post that "how can you be right if I misunderstand you" meme again.


Because leftypol continues to exist
/dead/ should devour that board by now
If nothing else people on /dead/ aren’t socially maladjusted freaks obsessed with imposing endless suffering on the working class in a deluded attempt to replicate the worst mistakes of the USSR and PRC


watch that edge


>people on /dead/ aren’t socially maladjusted freaks obsessed with imposing endless suffering on the working class
Speak for yourself, sis.


idk if you really want an answer, but i think part of it is probably that they start from the typical leftist position of the world being flawed and evil, and their doctrine is good and redeeming. They feel the need to subjugate the world and make it work according to their model, and their model is what they learned about communism from western sources. The rest is variations on this theme, for good or bad.


you’re not any better, kill yourself

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