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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I have nothing to live for but I don't have the willpower to kill myself.
wat do?


Keep on living? What else is there to do.


find something to live for, killing yourself would be presumptuous without searching, who know how long it will take.


saying that you have "nothing to live for" is a useless statement. nobody has anything "to live for" per se. the world is a conglomeration of conditions, they are all seperate from your unique being. none of them belong to you - unless you take them!
the real question of existence isnt that of finding whats for you. searching for elements that are yours own their own is useless. you have to make them your own!
im so tired of seeing this board being nothing else than /leftypol/ but depressed. why are so many ppl hopping on here crying that nothing in this world is going their way? you can take as yours whatever your force is able to capture. by just looking at world and thinking "oh, nothing submits to me by default so there is nothing is this world for me" youll only reap failure! the only way to make this world your own is to struggle, to establish your rule over it. and maybe your force is small and can only conquer a small part - so what? take as yours all that you can gather! if your force is only small a small amount of world is all you need. do you want more? than develop your force into a greater one or combine it with other people's small force. post-leftism is not a doctrine of despair, it calls you to yourself. why not increase yourself on this challenge? why not grow?
you, OP, who believes there is nothing for you in this world, I guarantee there is plenty. there are ppl on this earth who got diminshed from birth by imaginary masters. they are spooked cucks, believing in morality, nationality or religion, and still find huge plots of existence. by posting on this board you've at least shown that you are able to question those, to not take them into account when looking at this earth, and still you find nothing for yourself? I guarantee you, unlike those diminished creatures you've got everything to gain. all that you need to grasp it is to stretch out your hand!
dont surrender OP, reach for your arms instead and show those ratched conditions the force of your desire and ability!


Well, I do know there is something for me in this world I'm just tired of fighting for it and if it ever arrives I will be too old to enjoy it.
I don't want to be 60 years old when I finally have the free time and money to get my own place, a gf and make a living off my hobbies.
Life is demanding me more than I'm getting from it.


ok genius, how to make things my own
im too mentally ill to even get out my bed and im supposed to go out there and take things for myself?


just stop expecting things from life and go with the flow


God is anything else fucking posted here?


Step one fall out of bed instead
This will force you to get up if only to get back into bed
Practice makes perfect give yourself a good shove and fall off that mattress there's a good lad


But then why liv eif I'm not getting anything form it?


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what are you trying to get? we all die eventually


>I don't want to be 60 years old when I finally have the free time and money to get my own place, a gf and make a living off my hobbies.
don't get me wrong, Im not a proponent of some libertarian sigma grindset or whatever. if you are able to get what you want through illegal or underhanded tactics thats just as fine. lazyness is great, but it doesnt mean you have to give up on life.

>im too mentally ill to even get out my bed and im supposed to go out there and take things for myself?
what I would suggest is using that as your advantage. you are mentally ill and there is a giant market of well-off middle class wokes who love nothing more than to give money to the opress and marginaliszed. you could totally use your handicap to e-beg on twitter with several accounts straight out of your bed. you just need to appeal to people's sympathy. be like: oh im really sorry to bother you oomfies, but Im behind on rent and my poor cat needs food can anyone spare a few bucks here is my paypal I really appreciate it!
I made like 350 dollars by prentending to be a ukranian refugee on twitter and facebook over the last few weeks. you just gotta use what you have and even if you are to ill to get out of bed you can still be an amazing force of self-realisation. I believe in you, anon.

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