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i just checked /lit/ and half the threads and posts are off topic nazi stuff


wait, there is a /lit/ board?




well what did you expect?


something less cartoonishly awful ig


back in 2015, half the threads were off topic tradcath stuff

also a lot of DFW and pynchonposting


basically every single part of halfchan is full of /pol/ bullshit except for like the really niche boards. completely worthless site


Those spooked rightoids are taking more and more turf on the Internet. That sucks. All you see on the Internet nowadays is either woke liberals or /pol/tards. I think the alt-right is trying to get control over Dramatica as well. The alt-tech is the last bastion that we may claim for ourselves if we'll raise some activity there.


>Those spooked rightoids are taking more and more turf on the Internet
nah, its just that those old internet platforms that use to be relevant have now been replaced by newer ones and the only people who stayed at the old platforms are weirdos (of which the majority are right wing)
nobody gives a fuck about 4chan anymore, zoomers are on tiktok instead


there are right wingers on tiktok too
honestly i don’t think there’s that many zoomers on the internet anymore, or at least not on web 2.0 esque stuff. they mostly only use it for gaming and chatting in my experience


fam tiktok is full of zoomers


> zoomers are on tiktok instead
I did mention woke liberals. The majority of TikTok users is either woke liberals or consoomers making stupid faces on camera. Or both. Although there were trolls making fun of them but the trend kinda died out somewhat.

Right-wingers? I dunno but I assume that those are less prominent. But something like Fox News probably has its own account because duh, obviously.


theres a constant effort drive leftists off the board and 10+ threads a day about evola guenon and tradcaths. its been like since 2016


Let Me guess: Trump got elected?


muh 2016
there was already a big right wing presence even on the blue boards way before then, you’re just naturalized to right wing ideology so it had to get to the trump election to get bad enough for you
i remember the “>>>/pol/“ meme crystallized around 2014-2015


> muh 2016
Oh, no-no-no, I didn't want to come off as an Orange Man Bad Guy. I was legit curious.


No. Socialism will previal over fascism. Also depending on how you look at it, liberalism is already dead and gone, depending on how you'd like to define it. We're post-liberl or illiberal-liberal now baybe. But fascism is just one post-liberalism. Anyways I have faith in socialism (as in the proper philosophical position of socialism, not "proletarian state" or "workers ownership" or any autistic structural definitoins) because it's the only position to actually break with liberalism, rather than being a vague grapsing for something else. It literally sublates fascism. I won't buy the pessimism, or ideas about how fascism is libidinally strong or some bullshit. Socialism is sanity, its tradition, it's love, its acceptance, etc. This will prevail over ideologies hateful of life i believe.


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>Mah tradition.
Nice spooks, nerd.


i dont mean it in a spooky way at all though, i mean the material, lived tradition embodied in the particularities of daily life. This is what we can never run from, and thankfully too, since it's the only thing which can reach beyond cynical nihilism to enliven us in our non-belief.


Why do you people always need some kind of a spiritual uplifting to just not cry over the meaninglessness of existence? Such a Christian mindset. Read the spook book.


Why would I be invested in the future of a politics when My main concern is My Own future?


>the politics that was liquidated in 1945, if not even before, is relevant in this century


>I won't buy the pessimism, or ideas about how fascism is libidinally strong or some bullshit. Socialism is sanity, its tradition, it's love, its acceptance, etc. This will prevail over ideologies hateful of life i believe.
This naivety is preceisly why the left never works out.
hate is what life runs on, we're literarly darwinian beings, selfishness and hate are built in. love and empathy are secondary accidents in limited capacities.
we're lucky to have them, but we're also incredibly unlucky we because we don't have enough of them.


Closest I ever got to using /lit/ was asking /fur/ for pdfs of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.


4chan is actually unusable, it's pretty much all /pol/ posting and overused memes. The most enjoyable thing on there is redditors making up greentexts to repost to their instagram accounts.


This post would've been accurate if you made it in 2016. Back then, leftistism was generally viewed through the anti-SJW lens that saw us all as uptight blue-haired faggots that spent all day making up genders and complaining about inconsequential bullshit. There really wasn't a place for non-idpol politics in mainstream internet culture, and the "side" we fell on was seen as cringe.

Fast forward eight years, and there's this general sentiment that, while maybe "the left" still isn't cool, "the right" has proven itself to be just as uncool. The reactionary current brought about by GamerGate lost its cool factor as it was absorbed into and consumed by mainstream partisan politics, and the general consensus on certain social issues, particularly homosexuality, has shifted in a way where even most self-identified "conservatives" find alt-right politics offputting.

There's also a lot more people that are willing to reject the premise of American red vs blue politics outright. Something like the pro-Palestine protests simply wouldn't have happened back then.

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