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/dead/ - Post-Left

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As I look into it more and more, it becomes clear that this ideology makes less sense than your mom. No wonder why its proponents are not just post-civ/illegalists.

Have you ever met those oddballs online, fellow Uniques?


I don't even know what that flag is supposed to be


>anti-communist schizophrenia
holy based



Avaritionism. Think "post-right anarchism."


> holy based
Let Me rephraze that: "Randian anti-communist schizophrenia."


All ideologies are memes, only that some are shittier than others.


if we're using the original meaning of "memes",then yes this is absolutely true.


Fun fact: 95% of people I met who called themselves avaritionists haven't even read Stirner. So one can wonder how many spooks they have besides the ones I've already mentioned. I suspect that many of them are either edgy ancaps, anfash or coomers rationalizing their porn addiction. Which doesn't make them conscious egoists really.

Oh, wait, one did say they read Renzo Novatore. Which was a pleasant surprise, NGL.


get off the internet my man


But we're all on the Internet.


Where do you meet people who have actually heard about Stirner? All the people I meet only want to talk about The Office or Star Wars.


on /dead/


> Where do you meet people who have actually heard about Stirner?
You are here after all. But yeah, other than in The Anarchist Library and here, everywhere else people who call themselves egoists are usually quite spooked in some way. There's also Mr. Orlov from Russian Stirnerite community a.k.a Individuum. But that's about it. Oh, and some people on C4SS are Stirnerites. How well they know the subject matter varies, it is usually the post-left guys instead of market anarchists who are the most knowledgeable in this. Except for maybe long-dead James L. Walker and Sidney Parker. And hey, there are some quality memes on /leftypol/ so at least those guys are familiar with the core of dialectical egoism. Though this seperate board exists for a reason.


/dead/ is dead
we need 0ch like never before


It's almost like one imageboard dies every year.


yeah because that hole thing worked out so well
you cant turn back time


After a very quick search, it seems that this "Avaritionism" was "created" by some fbi.gov user of a literal meme wiki about ideologies :

The wiki has a lot of others pure meme-ideologies like :
Which is a hypothetical version of a even more authoritarian neoliberalism.

Actual ideologies, far-left to far-right seems well depicted though :


Indeed. That's why I'm saying that this is a meme ideology. Some people seem to believe in this unironically for some reason it seems. And those who do usually have those spooks I listed.


liberalism is already centred around the state what do they even think liberalism means-
oh. that, yeah


>…was "created" by some fbi.gov user…

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